Affiliate Marketing on the Internet - What You Can Do
Affiliate marketing on the Internet is not as complicated as it might sound. It is simply selling or promoting a product that someone else owns, and when you succeed in making a sale, you get paid a commission. There are all sorts of products you can promote. There are physical products, and there are instantly downloadable digital products such as e-books and even software.
Instant downloads
The downloadable products pay a far higher commission - 50% or more. This is because they are not physical products, they don't have the usual manufacturing expenses associated with them, and there is no shipping involved.
There are affiliate networks that "manage" all the transactions involved between the product merchant and all the affiliates who are engaged in selling and promoting the product. Clickbank specializes in digitally downloadable products. They provide for you your own unique ID for each product you want to promote, monitor your sales, and send you a check twice per month for all commissions earned during that period.
Selling affiliate products
You need some means to sell affiliate products - either a blog or a website. One standard practice is to have a small website with some quality information on it, and then include on it your own affiliate links promoting products of your choosing. The products should be closely related to the subject of your blog or website. For example, if your website is about training horses, then the affiliate products that you should promote on that site should closely relate to horses.
When you promote affiliate products, you are not "tied" to them. If you find a product is not selling well, you are free to remove that product from your web page and choose another in its place. You do not have to restrict yourself to only one product either. In fact, it is better to have a collection of them - although you should not have more than one "horse training" product for example, per web page, otherwise your readers will get confused.
Cost per action payments
You can also get high paying commissions with cost-per-action ads. Your visitors don't even need to buy anything - just get them to sign up for something that's free. This can be just for "more information," or maybe a subscription for a monthly newsletter. You get paid as soon as they supply their name and email address.
There are companies that pay very high commissions for leads such as described above. One way of obtaining leads very cheaply is using co-registration.
Cost-per-actions commissions and leads obtained via co-registration are just two branches of affiliate marketing on the Internet, and each one is a field requiring its own level of expertise. These two in particular, can generate a very high income. Should you decide to opt for these two, you will need additional training, and this is readily available on the Internet.
Instant downloads
The downloadable products pay a far higher commission - 50% or more. This is because they are not physical products, they don't have the usual manufacturing expenses associated with them, and there is no shipping involved.
There are affiliate networks that "manage" all the transactions involved between the product merchant and all the affiliates who are engaged in selling and promoting the product. Clickbank specializes in digitally downloadable products. They provide for you your own unique ID for each product you want to promote, monitor your sales, and send you a check twice per month for all commissions earned during that period.
Selling affiliate products
You need some means to sell affiliate products - either a blog or a website. One standard practice is to have a small website with some quality information on it, and then include on it your own affiliate links promoting products of your choosing. The products should be closely related to the subject of your blog or website. For example, if your website is about training horses, then the affiliate products that you should promote on that site should closely relate to horses.
When you promote affiliate products, you are not "tied" to them. If you find a product is not selling well, you are free to remove that product from your web page and choose another in its place. You do not have to restrict yourself to only one product either. In fact, it is better to have a collection of them - although you should not have more than one "horse training" product for example, per web page, otherwise your readers will get confused.
Cost per action payments
You can also get high paying commissions with cost-per-action ads. Your visitors don't even need to buy anything - just get them to sign up for something that's free. This can be just for "more information," or maybe a subscription for a monthly newsletter. You get paid as soon as they supply their name and email address.
There are companies that pay very high commissions for leads such as described above. One way of obtaining leads very cheaply is using co-registration.
Cost-per-actions commissions and leads obtained via co-registration are just two branches of affiliate marketing on the Internet, and each one is a field requiring its own level of expertise. These two in particular, can generate a very high income. Should you decide to opt for these two, you will need additional training, and this is readily available on the Internet.