Low Income Utility Help
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) help is available to individuals and families with incomes below 150 percent of the federal poverty level. Recipients also cannot have incomes above 60 percent of their state's median wage. The federally funded program is administered through state agencies. LIHEAP grants provide people with one-time assistance. Amount of grants people receive range from $300 to $1,000. The exact amount of assistance low-income families receive is based on minimum and maximum award levels set by their state government.
- Weatherization programs allow low-income residents to have someone from their local utility company visit and inspect their home for ways to save energy. Low-income individuals and families can also have energy-related repairs made to their homes through the program. For example, weatherization workers might seal off cracks in windows and doors, or they might suggest that residents replace a water heater or furnace. Generally, low-income residents are not required to pay for the services, which can help them save up to 35 percent on their utility bills. The programs are administered through utility companies.
- If those with low income prefer to receive the same amount in their utility bills each month, they can work with their local utility company to create monthly budget bills. Utility companies will review the applicants' past utility usage and create a standard monthly bill. For example, customers with average annual bills of $1,200 can receive $100 in their monthly bill each month rather than getting a bill for $50 one month and another bill for $150 during a month when their usage increased.
- Several states operate the Dollar Energy Fund. The assistance is applied for through community action agencies. One-time grants are provided to low-income families to help them pay their past-due utility bills. Amounts of the grants are based on the amount of money available in local funds and applicants' gross monthly and/or annual incomes. Some of the states that participate in the program are Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Ohio and Virginia.
- Local charities and places of worship may also provide utility bill assistance to low-income residents. Proof of income (e.g. paystubs, income tax returns) is generally required to receive the help. Generally, qualifying individuals and families can receive the assistance once a year.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Weatherization Programs
Monthly Budgeted Bills
Dollar Energy Fund