Torture or Enhanced Interrogation Techniques: MTMs (Miniature Torture Machines)
As the battle rages on in American political issues as to whether some methods of interrogation are torture or just enhanced interrogation techniques, there are miniature torture machines (MTMs) that millions of people worldwide face daily. In fact, the majority of adults face torture from a MTM stoically, usually not even complaining about this particularly harsh, on-going torture. As a warrior going off to battle needs to endure the worst torture possible in training so that he can resist the torture of the enemy if captured, so many people have to endure the torture from a MTM if they are to grow in strength, survival, and wisdom. MTMs can provide this training.
As anyone knows, the fear of torture is often worse than the actual torture itself. So it is with MTMs. When you first discover you're pregnant, fear of the awaited-for MTM starts. Will you be a good mother? Will the baby have some defect? You want a perfect specimen. Will pregnancy ruin your figure, your relationship with your lover, your social life? Are you really prepared to give the next eighteen years or so of your life enduring torture from the tiny little bundle called a MTM. You will need to suffer fear of the unknown MTM for nine long months, give or take.
When it is time for the MTM to arrive, the real torture is just starting. Let us look at some the enhanced interrogation techniques that many Americans today label torture. After all, this is a raging American Political Issue.
•Pain: Childbirth is said to be the most painful agony a woman can go through. This is not "pretend pain" that the CIA used to get information from terrorists, now often called torture. This is real! And Dad watching you, his beloved, go through the throes of childbirth pain would do anything to spare you this. But when the MTM is here, physical pain leaves, forgotten in the wonderment of that beautiful, red-faced-squished-up-tiny-bundle that will forever change your life. You feel a joy and delight beyond words. The torture was worth it.
•Sleep depredation: MTM gets home, confuses day with night, and won't sleep. Exhausted, you and Dad take turns as baby coos and cries. After several nights, this tiny bundle begins to affect your mental state and the MTM is doing its work. Sleep depredation can go on for years. Picture you and Dad sitting up all night with a sick toddler, wondering whether or not to rush him the emergency room. Believe me, this is the rarest form of torture. Or years later, waiting at home for junior to return home the first time you let him drive the family car to a late-night game. Oh for a good night's sleep.
•Noise Torture: Alongside of sleep depredation goes noise torture; a yelling, screaming, red-faced MTM with colic can cry from distress for hours, literally hours. A little of this will have the strongest-will parent in crisis, ready to do anything to give the MTM comfort and stop the torture. You are no different. Two-year old, banging kitchen pots and pans with a spoon until your eardrums are ready to break. Teenager playing rock music so loud your headache reappears with a vengeance.
•Stress Torture: After hours of holding MTM to relieve her stress from colic, your arms ache, your very soul throbs from stress. Or try sleeping with your three-year old. She is crosswise in the bed, upside-down, across your body, any-which-way she can go, always uncovered, while you try to wrap your body around her in one stress position after another --- and pull the blanket up again. With her head pushed into your gut and her feet into you throat, shivering, you grit your teeth and wait for dawn's earliest light. Stress torture changes as the years pass. It is now time for you to let junior drive for the first time in town, with you in the other seat gritting your teeth and hanging on to the dash, petrified. Your arms become so tired from stress torture you try to relax your grip, but can't. Mind-numbing stress torture --- no other way to describe it.
•Worst of all, water torture: Bending over infant son to change his diaper, he squirts --- you guessed it, right up into your face. Two year old, approaching with a wet, cold dripping washcloth asks, "Does u want a face wash?" "No," you say emphatically, "I don't want a face wash." "Oh, es u does." With that junior slaps the wet cloth across your face. And of course the teenage years so fun to deal with. While swimming, MTM sneaks up behind you and suddenly grabs you and jerks you underwater. You flounder around, feeling like you're going to drown before you finally get your head above water again. Teenage MTM thinks this is hilarious; somehow the humor escapes you.
•Bland, Unappetizing Food Torture: You, trying to lose the pounds you gained in pregnancy, sip Slim Fast as you rock crying, colicky MTM for hours. Next, the toddler --- you sip Slim Fast as you race around the house trying to keep up with your hyper-active MTM and wonder why you can't lose weight. Gotta be stress! When the MTM is a teenager, you sip Slim Fast as you struggle to get into your dress to go to the graduation of your much-cherished MTM. Why, oh why have you never regained the hot figure you had pre-MTM. The bland liquid diet just hasn't produced results.
You ponder the eighteen years which have passed so rapidly. How you yearn to go through the years again, to be tortured beyond endurance by your MTM. What you have gained in strength, in wisdom, in values important in living is beyond words. Tears come to your eyes as you struggle with the zipper, for you know the worst torture of all is coming --- turning lose of this torture machine, no longer miniature, that invaded your life all those years ago. Your husband helps zip you up and you both realize there are things in life much more important than hot figures. "You're beautiful," he says and kisses you. You are about to watch your life's work walk down the aisle into adulthood. Yes, the TMT was worth every ounce of torture through the years. Remember, what one person calls torture, another calls enhanced interrogation techniques, and yet another calls life. So the great debate in American Politics continues. What is torture?
As anyone knows, the fear of torture is often worse than the actual torture itself. So it is with MTMs. When you first discover you're pregnant, fear of the awaited-for MTM starts. Will you be a good mother? Will the baby have some defect? You want a perfect specimen. Will pregnancy ruin your figure, your relationship with your lover, your social life? Are you really prepared to give the next eighteen years or so of your life enduring torture from the tiny little bundle called a MTM. You will need to suffer fear of the unknown MTM for nine long months, give or take.
When it is time for the MTM to arrive, the real torture is just starting. Let us look at some the enhanced interrogation techniques that many Americans today label torture. After all, this is a raging American Political Issue.
•Pain: Childbirth is said to be the most painful agony a woman can go through. This is not "pretend pain" that the CIA used to get information from terrorists, now often called torture. This is real! And Dad watching you, his beloved, go through the throes of childbirth pain would do anything to spare you this. But when the MTM is here, physical pain leaves, forgotten in the wonderment of that beautiful, red-faced-squished-up-tiny-bundle that will forever change your life. You feel a joy and delight beyond words. The torture was worth it.
•Sleep depredation: MTM gets home, confuses day with night, and won't sleep. Exhausted, you and Dad take turns as baby coos and cries. After several nights, this tiny bundle begins to affect your mental state and the MTM is doing its work. Sleep depredation can go on for years. Picture you and Dad sitting up all night with a sick toddler, wondering whether or not to rush him the emergency room. Believe me, this is the rarest form of torture. Or years later, waiting at home for junior to return home the first time you let him drive the family car to a late-night game. Oh for a good night's sleep.
•Noise Torture: Alongside of sleep depredation goes noise torture; a yelling, screaming, red-faced MTM with colic can cry from distress for hours, literally hours. A little of this will have the strongest-will parent in crisis, ready to do anything to give the MTM comfort and stop the torture. You are no different. Two-year old, banging kitchen pots and pans with a spoon until your eardrums are ready to break. Teenager playing rock music so loud your headache reappears with a vengeance.
•Stress Torture: After hours of holding MTM to relieve her stress from colic, your arms ache, your very soul throbs from stress. Or try sleeping with your three-year old. She is crosswise in the bed, upside-down, across your body, any-which-way she can go, always uncovered, while you try to wrap your body around her in one stress position after another --- and pull the blanket up again. With her head pushed into your gut and her feet into you throat, shivering, you grit your teeth and wait for dawn's earliest light. Stress torture changes as the years pass. It is now time for you to let junior drive for the first time in town, with you in the other seat gritting your teeth and hanging on to the dash, petrified. Your arms become so tired from stress torture you try to relax your grip, but can't. Mind-numbing stress torture --- no other way to describe it.
•Worst of all, water torture: Bending over infant son to change his diaper, he squirts --- you guessed it, right up into your face. Two year old, approaching with a wet, cold dripping washcloth asks, "Does u want a face wash?" "No," you say emphatically, "I don't want a face wash." "Oh, es u does." With that junior slaps the wet cloth across your face. And of course the teenage years so fun to deal with. While swimming, MTM sneaks up behind you and suddenly grabs you and jerks you underwater. You flounder around, feeling like you're going to drown before you finally get your head above water again. Teenage MTM thinks this is hilarious; somehow the humor escapes you.
•Bland, Unappetizing Food Torture: You, trying to lose the pounds you gained in pregnancy, sip Slim Fast as you rock crying, colicky MTM for hours. Next, the toddler --- you sip Slim Fast as you race around the house trying to keep up with your hyper-active MTM and wonder why you can't lose weight. Gotta be stress! When the MTM is a teenager, you sip Slim Fast as you struggle to get into your dress to go to the graduation of your much-cherished MTM. Why, oh why have you never regained the hot figure you had pre-MTM. The bland liquid diet just hasn't produced results.
You ponder the eighteen years which have passed so rapidly. How you yearn to go through the years again, to be tortured beyond endurance by your MTM. What you have gained in strength, in wisdom, in values important in living is beyond words. Tears come to your eyes as you struggle with the zipper, for you know the worst torture of all is coming --- turning lose of this torture machine, no longer miniature, that invaded your life all those years ago. Your husband helps zip you up and you both realize there are things in life much more important than hot figures. "You're beautiful," he says and kisses you. You are about to watch your life's work walk down the aisle into adulthood. Yes, the TMT was worth every ounce of torture through the years. Remember, what one person calls torture, another calls enhanced interrogation techniques, and yet another calls life. So the great debate in American Politics continues. What is torture?