Partial Complex Seizure Symptoms
- Partial complex seizures are defined by an impairment of awareness. People having a complex partial seizure will seem as if they are out of touch with reality. They will often seem as if they are staring into space. More complex symptoms called automatisms may occur. These consist of involuntary movement. They are repetitive and have no purpose. Automatisms may include lip smacking, chewing, walking and fidgeting.
- Partial complex seizures take place in the temporal lobe. Abnormal discharges in the temporal lobe cause the consciousness to be altered. Along with automatisms such as sitting and standing, walking in a circle, or smacking of the lips, other symptoms often occur. These include symptoms such as deja vu ( the feeling of experiencing something before), fear, laughing, visual hallucinations and the experience of unusual smells.
- Under certain circumstances, anyone can experience a seizure. Partial complex seizures are linked to abnormal electrical activity in the brain's temporal lobes. Specific causes of a seizure include trauma, lack of oxygen and brain lesions.
- When the brain is functioning in a normal manner, information is sent from nerve cell to nerve cell in a smooth manner. This takes place through an electrochemical process. Nerve impulses of the brain will show up on an EEG (electroencephalograph). Seizures occur when the electrical activity in the brain is abnormal.
- Tissue studies have shown that many children who have experienced partial complex seizures also have hippocampal sclerosis (hardening in the hippocampus area). This was found in 47 percent of brain tissue samples.
- If you suspect a seizure, you or a loved one should write down all the details remembered and observed. Details should include how long the seizure lasted, time, date, body parts affected, movements and symptoms, any possible causes and other things you feel are relevant. Seek medical attention right away.
Complex Seizure Disorder Definition
Seizures of the Temporal Lobe
Seizure Causes
Normal Brain Function
Hippocampal Sclerosis
If You Experience a Partial Complex Seizure