Prince of Persia Game Series
Prince of Persia is a game that many people probably recognize as being around for a while.
However, some people might not have never played this game before and are curious if it is even worth playing the game or not.
However, I know that I have played every game in the series and enjoy paying them immensely.
Here are two great reasons why you should play this game if you have never played them before.
Great Graphics I know that with most of the modern day video games the graphics are absolutely mind blowing, but this series is no different.
The graphics in the Prince of Persia games are done in such great detail that if you get a chance in the action pace to slow down some and look at the walls you can even gain the feeling that you are in Persia during the time period that is portrayed in the game which really makes playing the game worthwhile.
Game Play Flows Excellent With Storyline Having played many video games I know that some of the games that I have played the storyline doesn't keep up with the game play.
Which means you will be having the story told to you about the last level you just completed, but in Prince of Persia the game is set up well enough that the story and game play makes sense with each other.
So that is a big positive when I play any game that the story is able to keep up with the game play.
However, some people might not have never played this game before and are curious if it is even worth playing the game or not.
However, I know that I have played every game in the series and enjoy paying them immensely.
Here are two great reasons why you should play this game if you have never played them before.
Great Graphics I know that with most of the modern day video games the graphics are absolutely mind blowing, but this series is no different.
The graphics in the Prince of Persia games are done in such great detail that if you get a chance in the action pace to slow down some and look at the walls you can even gain the feeling that you are in Persia during the time period that is portrayed in the game which really makes playing the game worthwhile.
Game Play Flows Excellent With Storyline Having played many video games I know that some of the games that I have played the storyline doesn't keep up with the game play.
Which means you will be having the story told to you about the last level you just completed, but in Prince of Persia the game is set up well enough that the story and game play makes sense with each other.
So that is a big positive when I play any game that the story is able to keep up with the game play.