Making the Most of a Business Conference
Business conferences can be amazingly productive if they are conducted properly. With a little organization and promotion, the principle effect of multiplication can work wonders for employee morale and even boost the returns on your sales volume.
A combination of new information and shared experiences can be extremely valuable and motivating for all the participants! This new knowledge can be industry related developments, or practical new ways to get the proverbial foot in the door to promote increased sales volume.
Business meetings can create a touch point of intense learning, networking opportunities with fellow employees in other branch offices, as well as a chance to get to know your supervisor on an informal basis. Informative demonstrations, sketches, and other perks help the participants leave the event feeling empowered and ready to go home and get busy in doubling his or her business.
Just like periodical oil changes or a tune ups for your car, they keep one's approach fresh and relevant. They are truly essential. These business conferences are a big deal and forward thinking executives provide personal plans and goals towards the next one, like increasing sales by 10%, for example. Since they tend to be intense, one business conference a quarter is a bit much, considering the need for family based time like summer vacation and / or Christmas holidays. The usual rhythm for industry-specific business conferences is three times a year – February, June (before summer) and October, sandwiched between back to school and the traditional holiday season.
Ideally, business conferences last a weekend, or at least, more than one day, in order for the information and impressions to soak into the psyche of its participants. Typically, the opening speaker sets the tone of the seminar with a serious but optimistic agenda. After this, a wide variety of options are available. The participants may break off into small groups to discuss technical points in overcoming practical, job-related problems. Work skills may be honed and practiced in workshops, which increase employee communication skills and confidence. Team building tips and leadership skills are also touched upon. Once the group gathers back together, a new speakers may share own personal "war stories" of how they overcame challenging situations to reach a pinnacle of success that they never thought possible.
Unfortunately, not all business conferences are enjoyable. Speakers may ramble and some meetings can drag on and on without having any prime focus points, mainly due to poor planning. Too many meetings with not enough breaks may wear out its participants, and they may go play hooky at the local bar or golf course!
Most times, if a business conference is conducted well, the participants leave feeling empowered. Ideally, they may want to bring back the skills or games learned at the conference back to the home office to teach the folks who didn't attend. This is a great example of filter down leadership techniques when the attendees bring back the knowledge to the grass roots level so everyone who stayed behind can benefit from it.
Catered in food, particularly for lunch, should be brought to the conference – the old expression – if you can't bring Mohammad to the mountain, bring the mountain to Mohammad – applies. There should be an adequate number of breaks to keep participants fresh and interested.
Business conferences also enable its participants to get to know the people they work with on a different level. There is also an opportunity for socializing, meeting in a less rigid environment. Going to dinner, laughing and talking as a group is a good way to get to know the individual on a personal level, better utilizing employees' strengths in future assignments. This also leads to increased job security, because an employee is secure to the extent that he or she is useful to the firm.
The organizers in charge must be prepared to make the learning process both informative and fun, as to whet the appetite of its participant and to encourage their attendance at future business conferences. As a source of enticement, a drawing with some desirable prize should be given at the end of the meeting to encourage participants to stay till the very end.
If well organized, the few concentrated hours at result in a blast off of focused energy and new dedication to their jobs.
A combination of new information and shared experiences can be extremely valuable and motivating for all the participants! This new knowledge can be industry related developments, or practical new ways to get the proverbial foot in the door to promote increased sales volume.
Business meetings can create a touch point of intense learning, networking opportunities with fellow employees in other branch offices, as well as a chance to get to know your supervisor on an informal basis. Informative demonstrations, sketches, and other perks help the participants leave the event feeling empowered and ready to go home and get busy in doubling his or her business.
Just like periodical oil changes or a tune ups for your car, they keep one's approach fresh and relevant. They are truly essential. These business conferences are a big deal and forward thinking executives provide personal plans and goals towards the next one, like increasing sales by 10%, for example. Since they tend to be intense, one business conference a quarter is a bit much, considering the need for family based time like summer vacation and / or Christmas holidays. The usual rhythm for industry-specific business conferences is three times a year – February, June (before summer) and October, sandwiched between back to school and the traditional holiday season.
Ideally, business conferences last a weekend, or at least, more than one day, in order for the information and impressions to soak into the psyche of its participants. Typically, the opening speaker sets the tone of the seminar with a serious but optimistic agenda. After this, a wide variety of options are available. The participants may break off into small groups to discuss technical points in overcoming practical, job-related problems. Work skills may be honed and practiced in workshops, which increase employee communication skills and confidence. Team building tips and leadership skills are also touched upon. Once the group gathers back together, a new speakers may share own personal "war stories" of how they overcame challenging situations to reach a pinnacle of success that they never thought possible.
Unfortunately, not all business conferences are enjoyable. Speakers may ramble and some meetings can drag on and on without having any prime focus points, mainly due to poor planning. Too many meetings with not enough breaks may wear out its participants, and they may go play hooky at the local bar or golf course!
Most times, if a business conference is conducted well, the participants leave feeling empowered. Ideally, they may want to bring back the skills or games learned at the conference back to the home office to teach the folks who didn't attend. This is a great example of filter down leadership techniques when the attendees bring back the knowledge to the grass roots level so everyone who stayed behind can benefit from it.
Catered in food, particularly for lunch, should be brought to the conference – the old expression – if you can't bring Mohammad to the mountain, bring the mountain to Mohammad – applies. There should be an adequate number of breaks to keep participants fresh and interested.
Business conferences also enable its participants to get to know the people they work with on a different level. There is also an opportunity for socializing, meeting in a less rigid environment. Going to dinner, laughing and talking as a group is a good way to get to know the individual on a personal level, better utilizing employees' strengths in future assignments. This also leads to increased job security, because an employee is secure to the extent that he or she is useful to the firm.
The organizers in charge must be prepared to make the learning process both informative and fun, as to whet the appetite of its participant and to encourage their attendance at future business conferences. As a source of enticement, a drawing with some desirable prize should be given at the end of the meeting to encourage participants to stay till the very end.
If well organized, the few concentrated hours at result in a blast off of focused energy and new dedication to their jobs.