Fish Aquarium Fish Resources
- About 2,000 species of fish and aquatic animals are currently traded in the ornamental aquarium industry, and choosing among these can be a daunting task. Most aquarium fish sold are freshwater fish, but saltwater fish have grown in popularity as equipment has improved and become easier to use. Local aquarium clubs are good resources for information about different fish and the maintenance they require. More comprehensive information about different fish species is available at various web sites. When choosing fish for your aquarium, select species that thrive in the same environments and are compatible.
- Most freshwater aquarium fish are farm-raised. Saltwater fish are often caught in the wild, sometimes from environmentally sensitive areas or by trappers using potentially harmful methods. Also, fish caught in the wild often change hands numerous times, increasing the chance they will be stressed and in ill health. When shopping for fish, be sure to ask the seller how the fish were obtained and from where. Buy only from knowledgeable sellers who show a genuine interest in their fish. Fellow hobbyists can be good sources of information about where to buy humanely raised or captured fish, and some may even be interested in selling or trading fish. The Marine Aquarium Clubs of North America has an online directory of its chapters, and Aqua World Aquarium has a listing of clubs for freshwater aquarium owners.
- Keeping your aquarium attractive means keeping your fish healthy. Familiarize yourself with the life cycles, eating habits, and habitat needs of your fish before bringing them home. Ensure your tank is large enough for the types and number of fish you have, and that your tank is set up with all temperature control and filtration systems running properly. The equipment you will need will depend on the type of aquarium you have. Marine aquariums generally require more maintenance and more supplies than freshwater aquariums. Local aquarium clubs or online forums can be good sources of information about tanks, filters and other supplies.
- Aquarium enthusiasts have access to many resources for staying informed and solving problems. Online bulletin boards can be good sources of information or answers to questions about aquarium and fish care. Magazines (both online and print) can also help you keep your knowledge up to date. There are even software programs -- many of which are free -- to help you track and schedule aquarium maintenance tasks, diagnose fish health problems or calculate the right amounts of water, chemical additives or salt to put in your aquarium.
Kinds of Aquarium Fish
Sources for Aquarium Fish
Care of Aquarium Fish
Other Resources for Fish Owners