Fast Results Weight Loss - The Calorie Shifting Diet
If you are looking for a fast-results weight loss program, then you may wish to consider an extreme crash diet, such as calorie shifting.
A novel approach to weight loss, calorie shifting is extremely counterintuitive and runs contrary to conventional, everyday wisdom of good eating habits.
Yet it works extremely effectively.
You can lose as much as one pound per day.
As far as fast-results weight loss programs go, you can't get any more extreme than that! In sharp contrast to other mainstream diets out there, that call upon the would-be dieter to restrict the quantity or the type of food that can be consumed, calorie shifting places no quantitative restrictions on you.
You are free to eat as much as you want, as long as you do not overeat.
(You can tell if you've overeaten by gauging how full your stomach feels after each meal.
) Moreover, you will be required to eat some food from every food group over the course of the diet, though not necessarily all in one meal or even in one day.
The way calorie shiftingworks is that you eat four meals each day and you follow the diet in two-week cycles.
You take a representative sample of foods from each food group and you group these together in different arrangements.
For example, you might have fruit and meat at one meal.
Or you might have dairy and vegetables at another meal.
Or you might have bread and dairy at yet another meal.
Eventually, you will be shifting your calories in such a way that every food group gets coupled with another food group at different meal times.
When done in this pattern, the net effect is that actually end up rotating your caloric intake through various highs and lows, which result in the shock treatment of rapid, fast results weight loss, on the order of one pound per day.
A novel approach to weight loss, calorie shifting is extremely counterintuitive and runs contrary to conventional, everyday wisdom of good eating habits.
Yet it works extremely effectively.
You can lose as much as one pound per day.
As far as fast-results weight loss programs go, you can't get any more extreme than that! In sharp contrast to other mainstream diets out there, that call upon the would-be dieter to restrict the quantity or the type of food that can be consumed, calorie shifting places no quantitative restrictions on you.
You are free to eat as much as you want, as long as you do not overeat.
(You can tell if you've overeaten by gauging how full your stomach feels after each meal.
) Moreover, you will be required to eat some food from every food group over the course of the diet, though not necessarily all in one meal or even in one day.
The way calorie shiftingworks is that you eat four meals each day and you follow the diet in two-week cycles.
You take a representative sample of foods from each food group and you group these together in different arrangements.
For example, you might have fruit and meat at one meal.
Or you might have dairy and vegetables at another meal.
Or you might have bread and dairy at yet another meal.
Eventually, you will be shifting your calories in such a way that every food group gets coupled with another food group at different meal times.
When done in this pattern, the net effect is that actually end up rotating your caloric intake through various highs and lows, which result in the shock treatment of rapid, fast results weight loss, on the order of one pound per day.