Video: How to Train a Hyper, Disobedient Dog
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Toni Drugmand with Sit Means Sit Dog Training and remember, a trained dog is a happy dog. How to train a hyper disobedient dog. Well lets talk about some training tools to help us get started. We have treats, whatever your dog finds is the most value. We have a variety of training collars. This is a traditional slip collar. A pinch or a prompt collar is designed to just pinch the surface of the skin. A head halty designed to turn the head of the dog and a remote training collar. We want to use a 6 foot training leash and we're ready to get started. So Titan's going to be shown a food reward. Titan. Yes. And I'm going to mark him looking at me for attention with the word yes. Titan, yes. And it's not going to be very hard for him to build some success into what I want. Titan. Yes. From there we're going to take Titan and we're going to add my training specialty is working with the remote training collar. We can adjust that very adequately to the individual dog. Now if you're going to be training in a capacity you may want to seek the help of a professional so that you don't add any confusion. Alright so we're going to ask Titan to come to that training treat and we're going to add the tap, just like I'm tapping him on the shoulder, of the remote training collar. And it looks like this. I'm going to step behind him, Titan, and yes. And I'm going to again do the same thing. I'm going to step behind him, Titan. Yes. And I'm simply using the vibration on this particular collar. It's very low. Titan, yes. And we're going to keep building onto that until Titan learns that he follows us in place of going after a distraction. He's a big strong dog and if you don't have his attention this is really about the art of attention. That's how you train a hyper disobedient dog. I'm Toni Drugmand. Visit us at for training tips, articles, and video. And remember, a trained dog is a happy dog.