How to Get a Shirtless Kawaii in "Whirled"
- 1). Earn coins to buy the shirtless Kawaii. "Whirled" has four currencies: bling, bars, coins and real cash. Earn coins by playing games and completing activities, which gives you stamps on your Whirled Passport. This gives you more coins for the Whirled Shop.
- 2). Log in to your account before visiting the Whirled Shop. You must be logged in to make purchases.
- 3). Search for "Dateotoko" when you have 5,000 coins in your bank account. Dateotoko is a shirtless Kawaii -- the only one available in "Whirled."
- 4). Click the "Buy 5,000" link, to pay 5,000 coins for the shirtless Kawaii.
- 5). Click the "Stuff" tab on the top menu bar of your "Whirled" account.
- 6). Select "Avatar" in the left-hand side bar.
- 7). Select the shirtless Kawaii. Click on the happy-face icon next to "Wear Avatar" to make your avatar the shirtless Kawaii.