Cash Less Society Right Around the Corner
I have seen legislation passed by congress and the senate which I would never have imagined would never happen in America.
Unfortunately, I am a living witness to this Orwellian nightmare actually occurring right before our eyes.
One such example is President Obama's health care reform program.
For many the program may appear to be a lifesaving proposal however all is not as it seems.
"Obamacare" has the potential to dramatically transform our very lives and to modify the way we are accustomed to living if it happens to be passed by our representatives.
Most of the programs that I have been reviewing lately that has managed to make its way into law have been structured with one thought in mind - to hinder our current freedoms and constitutional liberties.
I truly expect that the health care bill will also be one of those types of programs.
Let us suppose for the sake of argument that the Obama health care program is effectively passed and becomes part of our medical process here in America.
Considering the magnitude of such a program it could become the nations largest databank falling only behind that of the IRS and social security.
Such a massive program could be greatly simplified by the use of debit cards.
The government would no longer have to concern themselves with each American paying for their health insurance but rather they simply deduct the amount from the persons debit card account.
Other government sponsored programs would naturally fall right in line.
Taxes could be better controlled by the use of the debit card program making unpaid taxes a thing of the past.
With these thoughts clearly in mind could this health program be the legislation which will usher in the cash less society? Will this be the government program that provides everyone with an assigned debit card giving the federal government total control of your money? Before you slide back in your easy chair laughing at my insane concept think for one moment what is currently happening in America even as you read this article.
I recently noticed in the headlines of the news that President Obama has plans to urge the various world leaders to rebalance the current world economy.
How does he plan on accomplishing this feat? Under the guideline that he plans to present to the foreign nations they would be expected to modify their individual economic policies for the alleged common good of the world's economic stability.
If this process is accepted by the other countries they would effectively give up their own economic decision making abilities.
In that sense they too would become part of the cash less society.
What all this boils down to is that the use of actual money will slowly start to fade out of existence while plastic will take its place.
We already have debit cards for those people in our society who receive food stamps.
The government has found this to be a major benefit in the effective control mechanisms of the program.
It only stands to reason that they would also initiate the same process for the medical care and eventually all our purchases as well.
An example of this cash less society workings is currently in the state of Delaware.
If you go into a State office of Revenue and try to purchase a business license you can not pay for your license in cash.
They will not accept any cash what-so-ever for this transaction even though the dollar is considered legal tender in America.
In our future we can look forward to grocery stores and gasoline stations only accepting debit cards.
You would merely have to swipe your card and get your supplies or fill your tank with your gasoline.
In effect, we have the infrastructure for this already in place.
In fact, at some filling stations you can still get gas even if they are closed by using a debit or credit card to pay for it.
Life is not as simple for us as it used to be and there appears to be complications lurking around each and every corner.
You may not agree with the cash less society, but I see it as one of those things prowling close by.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish http://www.