How to Operate Hydropneumatic Pressure Tanks
- 1). Check the pressure switch so the difference of the pump's cut-in and cut-out pressure is between 15 psi and 20 psi. This allows the pump to deliver the water, known as cut-in, to the tank and shut down, the cut-out, at the proper duration.
- 2). Operate the pump so that it fills the tank with water until turning off. Note the tank's pressure gauge for the cut-out. Turn on the faucets in the house to drain the tank. Watch the gauge to see what the cut-in pressure of the pump is when it turns on to fill the tank.
- 3). Tune the cut-out pressure if the cut-in pressure is fine. Locate the pump's adjuster screws. Turn the smallest screw clockwise with the screwdriver to increase the pressure, or counterclockwise to decrease the pressure.
- 4). Place the screwdriver on the taller adjustment screw to change both the cut-in and cut-out at the same time if both are incorrect. Turn the screw counterclockwise to decrease the pressure or clockwise to increase the pressure.
- 5). Adjust the tank pre-charge by locating the air pressure valve. Place the digital tire pressure gauge along the valve to measure the air pressure inside.
- 6). Adjust the pressure switch of the air compressor to add or release air to the tank to obtain the lowest cut-in pressure. Stop the adjustment when the pressure is 2 PSI below the pump cut-in pressure.