Debt Counseling Help is Available
Experienced negotiators are miracle workers who can help you and your creditors come to an equitable agreement that will make both parties happy.
Thinking about filing for bankruptcy? Don't do it! At least not until you've had a consultation with a counselor.
A bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 7 to 12 years and can completely ruin any financial plans you have for years afterward.
And with the recent changes in the bankruptcy laws, you courts are insisting you get debt counseling help.
Only, now that the court is handling everything, you'd have to use their service and they would be monitoring your progress.
If your financial situation is dire enough that you're considering filing for bankruptcy protection, then you owe it to yourself and your family to consider all your options first.
It may very well be that bankruptcy is your best recourse.
For example, do you have a lot of credit card debt? Most people do and it's a common problem these days.
If YOU call the credit card company to try to negotiate a settlement, they'll probably either laugh or, if you're very lucky, they may give you a slight reduction in your interest rate.
However, expert negotiators are often able to get you a larger reduction in your interest rate AND get the credit card company to reduce the principal that remains on your card as well.
And that's just one example.
Imagine what can be done if this process is duplicated with the rest of your creditors.
Many times, after a conversation by an attorney with your creditors, a payment plan arrangement is secured that makes everyone happy and actually costs you less per month than what you're paying now.
So quit looking out the window every time a truck goes by to see if your car is still there.
Go ahead and place a call that will stop the stress.