Will This Information Help You to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Or Even Reverse it?

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It is a common misconception that an excess sugar intake is responsible for the creation of type 2 diabetes...
no longer is diabetes considered 'just a touch of sugar' or the result of an excessive intake of glucose.
The real contributing factors include: 1.
: Genes play a part in how your body responds to the risk of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Having a family history of type 2 diabetes greatly increases your chance of developing this condition.
If both of your parents have type 2, your risk of developing it is greater than 40%.
Looking at your family history will help you to know if you need to start on the road to prevention...
having twelve monthly fasting blood sugar checks will show if your blood sugar levels are stable and in the non-diabetic range, or rising annually into the pre-diabetic level.
People are being diagnosed much younger now than years ago.
So if your parent or parents were diagnosed with type 2 in their sixties, you could develop this condition in your forties or even earlier.
Having a family history does not necessarily mean you will develop type 2...
avoid carrying weight around your abdominal area, eat healthy foods and exercise approximately 150 minutes each week and you can avoid it entirely.
Nutrient Deficiencies
: A deficiency of fiber, zinc, chromium and the B vitamins are several of the nutrient deficiencies that help you to develop type 2 diabetes if you have a family history.
  • Zinc...
    a study of people with diabetes type 1 and type 2 have shown severe zinc deficiencies.
    Zinc plays an important role in wound healing and immune function as well as many other important functions.
    Healthful sources of zinc are found in quality red meats, shellfish legumes and nuts
  • Fat...
    the most important fact is this, your body's actual fat requirement is small.
    Unfortunately most people in Western countries eat too much fat and usually the wrong kind, saturated fat, which helps to elevate your cholesterol levels and aggravate insulin resistance (this is where your body responds to certain challenges by making extra chemicals that keep it from using insulin).
    Balancing fats in your diet is important...
    healthful sources include omega-3 oils which are present in deep-water fish, linseed, canola, flax and walnut oils
  • Fiber...
    fiber slows down the absorption of nutrients in your intestinal tract, in other words it slows down the rise in blood sugar levels following a meal.
    Dietary fiber has been proven to reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Chromium...
    chromium is technically what is known as an insulin co-factor, an insulin helper.
    Chromium helps insulin work better meaning that it helps insulin escort glucose from your bloodstream into your cells
The process of type 2 diabetes can also slowly develop from
  • Immune system disorders such as lupus
  • Feeling high stress levels for a long time
  • Taking certain medications such as steroids
  • Overexposure to toxins such as fertilizers or pesticides
  • Having had gestational diabetes (diabetes that develops while you are pregnant and usually leaves following your baby's birth)
How you manage your lifestyle has been linked closely to the onset of type 2 diabetes.
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