3 Tips On How To Outsource Your Network Marketing Article Writing Successfully
Congrats!! Good for you!! You have the vision to see the how delegating that activity will give you more time to work on your business rather than working in your business.
Now the question is how to go about this.
Well, you can go to websites like Fiverr.
com and look for people offering that service.
There are plenty of other services out there offering this service for internet marketing business.
This article is going to give you 3 tips on how maximise the outsourcing of your article writing.
First and foremost, it is important to not get excited and buy a deal in where you will get many articles written for an upgraded price.
While, it may seem like a great idea to go ahead and buy in bulk, you still do not know how this writer writes.
The best thing to do is order one article and see how this writer does business.
Are they easy to contact? Do they really get the message that you are trying to convey? Are they making an effort to understand your perspective and point of view? Can they add value to your message? Do they deliver on what was agreed upon in the terms of service? These are the typical questions you should ask yourself and them before you decide to contract them for the writing gig.
Remember, by not buying in bulk you do not get stuck with a bunch of articles that you cannot use.
You also give yourself the chance to see if this writer is willing to work with you and the deal you made.
Another important tip is to not let the writer influence your decision about the finished product.
I once hired a writer from the website mentioned above to make me 9, 500- word articles and then submit them to various article websites.
The writer sent me 7 articles that were about 550 words in length and in their message told me that my readers will like the longer articles and that they have over-delivered on this particular order.
I read the first article and loved it.
Then promptly sent them a message about the other two missing articles.
Again I get a message reminding me of their over-delivering longer articles and requesting a review.
My review was mediocre because after some proof reading I found tons of errors in the remaining articles.
The writer then read the review I gave them and demanded that I give them 5 star reviews for all the hard work they put into making the articles, as this will also help them sell more gigs.
One swift message saying that I will give 5 star reviews to 5 star quality work and I never heard from the writer again.
This leads to what to do when you do end up purchasing an article that you cannot directly submit, due to errors and rejection from the article websites.
As in the case shared above, the writer gave me 6 articles that I could not directly submit to the article websites.
Initially, I thought that this was a lost case.
The author was no longer willing to put in more time in the commissioned work and I really needed these articles done and submitted to start my online marketing business.
Once I realized that what I really had, in these articles, was the bare bones of an article in each of those articles given to me.
All I really had to do was proofread them and fix them up a bit and now I had pretty good articles.
Now, before you get all huffy and puffy and say that you would have reported them and have them rewrite the articles and not let them get away with murder.
Let us get one thing straight, I needed these articles yesterday.
And by working on the articles, I got the chance to work on my writing voice and see what the writer was doing throughout these articles.
So, here are some tips that guide you on how to get your first article written by outsourcing, dealing with writers and their power of influence and making lemonade from the lemons you can get while delegating your business tasks in your network marketing business.