Social Media For Medical Professionals - 12 Tweet Subjects When HIPPA is a Concern
Twitter continues to increase in popularity and grow exponentially.
The question is, can it provide benefits even for a privacy-conscious practice? This might surprise you, but the answer is yes! Twitter offers healthcare professionals a way to stay in touch with their patients, share information that promotes healthy living, and notify them of timely updates.
In fact, Twitter can add value to the patient/practice relationship without breaching patient confidentiality.
Before starting to Tweet, the practice needs to establish guidelines.
First, determine if the Twitter account will be in the name of the business (ie.
clinic or practice) or in the name of a single care provider.
Next, decide who will write the tweets, who will be in charge of reviewing direct Tweets, and if or how responses will be handled.
Plan who you'd like to follow on Twitter-there are plenty of health-related Twitter accounts that provide excellent information for "retweeting" or passing on to your patients.
When you're considering what to Tweet, it's not uncommon to worry you won't have enough to say.
If you're a healthcare provider, trust me, you have something to Tweet about! You can provide plenty of interesting and helpful tips that don't have to mention any your patients by name.
Employ any of these 12 health Tweet topics to get your practice started and become more visible, especially among your youthful patients who are avid Twitter users 1.
Announce vacation dates 2.
ReTweet FDA recalls 3.
Remind patients of after-hours service or alternate numbers.
Announce a community event 5.
ReTweet CDC tweets 6.
Announce weather closings.
Announce a service 8.
Seasonal Tweet: cold and flu, sunscreen, or vacation vaccinations, etc.
Remind patients to throw out expired medications.
Support Red Cross blood donations - post link to local Red Cross website 11.
ReTweet a post from the Mayo Clinic 12.
Post upcoming TV shows that will focus on health issues Once you get started Tweeting, you'll see how much fun it is and well received.
And also that this list is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of possible Tweet topics.
The question is, can it provide benefits even for a privacy-conscious practice? This might surprise you, but the answer is yes! Twitter offers healthcare professionals a way to stay in touch with their patients, share information that promotes healthy living, and notify them of timely updates.
In fact, Twitter can add value to the patient/practice relationship without breaching patient confidentiality.
Before starting to Tweet, the practice needs to establish guidelines.
First, determine if the Twitter account will be in the name of the business (ie.
clinic or practice) or in the name of a single care provider.
Next, decide who will write the tweets, who will be in charge of reviewing direct Tweets, and if or how responses will be handled.
Plan who you'd like to follow on Twitter-there are plenty of health-related Twitter accounts that provide excellent information for "retweeting" or passing on to your patients.
When you're considering what to Tweet, it's not uncommon to worry you won't have enough to say.
If you're a healthcare provider, trust me, you have something to Tweet about! You can provide plenty of interesting and helpful tips that don't have to mention any your patients by name.
Employ any of these 12 health Tweet topics to get your practice started and become more visible, especially among your youthful patients who are avid Twitter users 1.
Announce vacation dates 2.
ReTweet FDA recalls 3.
Remind patients of after-hours service or alternate numbers.
Announce a community event 5.
ReTweet CDC tweets 6.
Announce weather closings.
Announce a service 8.
Seasonal Tweet: cold and flu, sunscreen, or vacation vaccinations, etc.
Remind patients to throw out expired medications.
Support Red Cross blood donations - post link to local Red Cross website 11.
ReTweet a post from the Mayo Clinic 12.
Post upcoming TV shows that will focus on health issues Once you get started Tweeting, you'll see how much fun it is and well received.
And also that this list is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of possible Tweet topics.