Chip Remover
Some players feel that since they losing at the table they will recoup some of their loses by ordering many drinks to make sure they are getting something in return for the money they spent playing the games.
They have the attitude that "If I can't win at the games I'll make up for it with free drinks."
Believe me these drinks aren't really free and the more you have, the more money you will probably lose at the games. Alcohol dulls the senses and loosens the inhibitions. After a few drinks a player can adopt a devil may care attitude. They lose the reality that the chips they are betting or coins they are feeding the machines are really money. After a few drinks, some players will bet more if they are losing in hopes of catching up, while winning players will start betting more because they feel invincible. The casinos know that giving the patrons free drinks will only entice them to bet more or play less skillfully. That is why they do it.
A few years ago I heard Mark Pilarski, author of the popular "Deal Me In" gaming column refer to free drinks in the casino as "Chip Remover." He credits the phrase to one of his pit bosses from his days as a casino dealer. I think it is a perfect description.
In games that require a strategy decision such as blackjack, poker or other table games a player impaired by too many drinks will make a wrong decision either by accident or by feeling that they now know more that the experts. The worse combination is a player who is drinking and does not know how to play the game begin with.
Last weekend I was playing a single deck game at a blackjack table in downtown Las Vegas. There was a young couple seated at the table when I sat down. They both had drinks in front of them and every time the waitress would walk by they would down the rest of their drinks and order another round. The guy was making some terrible strategy decisions and giving his girlfriend equally bad advice. I could tell they did not know basic strategy.
They were jumping their bets from five to twenty five dollars on a whim. The fellow would say he felt lucky and place out a big bet even if there had been three aces dealt on the previous round. I do not give unsolicited advice to other players however most of the time I will answer a question if I am asked. At one point the dealer had a six showing and I turned over my Ace-7 and doubled down. The young man, whose name was Matt looked at me incredulously and asked why I would double when I had 18. I told him it was the correct strategy. He looked puzzled and asked, "How do you know about this basic strategy stuff?" I handed him my card with the address for this site and told to take a look at the blackjack information.
He continued playing and ordering more drinks. After a while he had problems adding his cards and had to have the dealer help him out. He kept losing and at one point he looked at me and asked, "So can you tell me how to win?"
I told him that he should really look into learning basic strategy. What I wanted to say was, "Lay off the drinks while you are playing!" The drinks were obviously affecting his already poor play.
I am not trying to judge or make a moral statement here but players should avoid drinking alcohol while they are playing. If you want to celebrate you can do that after you play. If you want to get a free drink order your drink as you are getting ready to end your playing session. When your drink arrives get up and leave the table or slot machine.
Don't drink and play. The money you save might be your own!
And please: If have to drive home from the casino, Don't Drink and Drive!! Make sure to appoint a designated driver if you to plan to celebrate AFTER you finish playing.
Until next time, remember:
"Luck comes and goes...Knowledge stays forever."