Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for March 24, 2008
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Did you think that Nash was just a bit uppity and self-absorbed when he went to see the drawings Cristian did for his wine bottles and basically passed them off as garbage? What was wrong with him? I really hated his attitude and even though he finally said he liked the last drawing that Sarah showed him, I think he owed Cristian an apology for being such an ass and saying that maybe Cris wasn’t the man for the job.
I was surprised that Cris took the criticism so well. Nash was out of line and I think Jessica should remind him of that.
Oh well, I hope we start to get some of the secrets in Llanview out in the open. It’s time! I’m getting bored waiting for everyone to be exposed. Aren’t you?
See ya next week.
Andrea writes: “I, too, can’t believe how horrible Todd was to those kids. You bet your bottom that if they were my children, I would have his butt hauled into jail pronto. The sickest thing to me though is Blair. How can she defend Todd to anyone, especially her daughter? When Dorian told Blair that Todd had to leave and she said that she would be going with him, I almost gagged. Why would you want that living under the same roof with you? He is so rude to Langston and he has no reason to treat her the way he has. I have always been a Todd fan, but the writers are really making it impossible to even give the guy a chance. If anyone in the real world acted like that he would either be in jail or a mental health facility.
The writers are really starting to grate on my nerves too. I mean I know that it is soap opera land and that things beyond the norm always happen, but come on, do they think we are all so delusional that we buy all of this going on? I wish they would just start having some more normal story lines.”
Dear Andrea: Of course I couldn’t agree with you more about Todd. He is an animal and Blair is nothing but a fool for thinking that she can bring peace back to this family and that her kids are safe and facing a normal life with this man as their so-called father. I will never understand how Blair, who is an otherwise independent and smart woman, can take the crap that Todd hands out. She thinks she loves him, but I say she hasn’t got a clue what a loving relationship is any more than Todd does. I also agree about the ridiculous nature of some of the storylines. Do TPTB think that we would be bored with a couple of nice, normal, family storylines or really romantic storylines that don’t involve murder and mayhem? I’d like to give the mundane a try once in a while.
wgarland writes: “I absolutely love the scenes and interaction between John and Natalie These two, Michael Easton and Melissa Archer, are my favorites and they bring such charisma to the show. They are the reason I watch One Life to Live. I’ve watched for 16 years and would quit watching if these two weren’t there. I’ve written numerous letters in support of these two actors to the powers that be and verbalized my feelings and thoughts; I truly want these two reunited as a couple on the show. I feel the writers have taken John McBain’s character in the wrong direction. The writing for John has been shallow and weak for the past 12-14 months. They need to let him do what they hired Michael Easton to do. Bring back the amazing, complex and extraordinary John with integrity. Do you agree? As fans, what more can we do to be heard and listened to? I’m heartsick with the thought that Michael Easton will leave One Life to Live.”
Dear wgarland: I’m a big fan of John and Natalie and every time I see them together on screen, last week included, I wish that they could be together. Natalie knows he will always be there for her, as she will be for him and there aren’t many other couples where you see such a connection and genuine caring for each other even though they are not together. To me, that is the basis for a great life together, even though TPTB don’t seem to see it my way, or yours. I am a big fan of John McBain and no matter what they have him doing, there is something about his character, looks and demeanor that I never get tired of watching. I hope he doesn’t leave the show any time soon and honestly, I don’t know what else we can do but voice our opinions and hope someone is listening and cares what we think.
duckeight writes: “This may be a triviality, but looking at all those designer dresses at the red ball, I kept wondering what happened to Viki's heart transplant scar? And is anybody as tired as I am of looking at Melissa Archer's chest? I think the actors who play opposite her should get daytime Emmys just for keeping their eyes riveted on her face. I'd love to see Daddy Clint look down and tell her to cover up just once.”
Dear duckeight: You mean you don’t know what happened to Viki’s transplant scar? Come on now; it is sitting in a drawer in the makeup department at ABC, right next to all those horrible scars that John McBain had on his right cheek after that car accident. POOF, one day Viki could wear a plunging neckline again and John had no need for further plastic surgery. It’s magic! And as far as Natalie goes lots and lots of people have commented about Melissa’s revealing wardrobe and I don’t know if it’s the show that insists that she wear revealing tops and she goes along with it, if she really likes that look, or if she fights it. I kind of think that TPTB refuse (to Natalie’s detriment) to break her out of that sexpot look. That’s just my opinion and I think that when she’s dressed in proper business attire or in fashionable but not revealing clothes, Natalie looks beautiful and we take her more seriously; and when she’s “hanging out” we tend to concentrate more on what she’s wearing than what she’s saying.
Did you think that Nash was just a bit uppity and self-absorbed when he went to see the drawings Cristian did for his wine bottles and basically passed them off as garbage? What was wrong with him? I really hated his attitude and even though he finally said he liked the last drawing that Sarah showed him, I think he owed Cristian an apology for being such an ass and saying that maybe Cris wasn’t the man for the job.
I was surprised that Cris took the criticism so well. Nash was out of line and I think Jessica should remind him of that.
Oh well, I hope we start to get some of the secrets in Llanview out in the open. It’s time! I’m getting bored waiting for everyone to be exposed. Aren’t you?
See ya next week.
Andrea writes: “I, too, can’t believe how horrible Todd was to those kids. You bet your bottom that if they were my children, I would have his butt hauled into jail pronto. The sickest thing to me though is Blair. How can she defend Todd to anyone, especially her daughter? When Dorian told Blair that Todd had to leave and she said that she would be going with him, I almost gagged. Why would you want that living under the same roof with you? He is so rude to Langston and he has no reason to treat her the way he has. I have always been a Todd fan, but the writers are really making it impossible to even give the guy a chance. If anyone in the real world acted like that he would either be in jail or a mental health facility.
The writers are really starting to grate on my nerves too. I mean I know that it is soap opera land and that things beyond the norm always happen, but come on, do they think we are all so delusional that we buy all of this going on? I wish they would just start having some more normal story lines.”
Dear Andrea: Of course I couldn’t agree with you more about Todd. He is an animal and Blair is nothing but a fool for thinking that she can bring peace back to this family and that her kids are safe and facing a normal life with this man as their so-called father. I will never understand how Blair, who is an otherwise independent and smart woman, can take the crap that Todd hands out. She thinks she loves him, but I say she hasn’t got a clue what a loving relationship is any more than Todd does. I also agree about the ridiculous nature of some of the storylines. Do TPTB think that we would be bored with a couple of nice, normal, family storylines or really romantic storylines that don’t involve murder and mayhem? I’d like to give the mundane a try once in a while.
wgarland writes: “I absolutely love the scenes and interaction between John and Natalie These two, Michael Easton and Melissa Archer, are my favorites and they bring such charisma to the show. They are the reason I watch One Life to Live. I’ve watched for 16 years and would quit watching if these two weren’t there. I’ve written numerous letters in support of these two actors to the powers that be and verbalized my feelings and thoughts; I truly want these two reunited as a couple on the show. I feel the writers have taken John McBain’s character in the wrong direction. The writing for John has been shallow and weak for the past 12-14 months. They need to let him do what they hired Michael Easton to do. Bring back the amazing, complex and extraordinary John with integrity. Do you agree? As fans, what more can we do to be heard and listened to? I’m heartsick with the thought that Michael Easton will leave One Life to Live.”
Dear wgarland: I’m a big fan of John and Natalie and every time I see them together on screen, last week included, I wish that they could be together. Natalie knows he will always be there for her, as she will be for him and there aren’t many other couples where you see such a connection and genuine caring for each other even though they are not together. To me, that is the basis for a great life together, even though TPTB don’t seem to see it my way, or yours. I am a big fan of John McBain and no matter what they have him doing, there is something about his character, looks and demeanor that I never get tired of watching. I hope he doesn’t leave the show any time soon and honestly, I don’t know what else we can do but voice our opinions and hope someone is listening and cares what we think.
duckeight writes: “This may be a triviality, but looking at all those designer dresses at the red ball, I kept wondering what happened to Viki's heart transplant scar? And is anybody as tired as I am of looking at Melissa Archer's chest? I think the actors who play opposite her should get daytime Emmys just for keeping their eyes riveted on her face. I'd love to see Daddy Clint look down and tell her to cover up just once.”
Dear duckeight: You mean you don’t know what happened to Viki’s transplant scar? Come on now; it is sitting in a drawer in the makeup department at ABC, right next to all those horrible scars that John McBain had on his right cheek after that car accident. POOF, one day Viki could wear a plunging neckline again and John had no need for further plastic surgery. It’s magic! And as far as Natalie goes lots and lots of people have commented about Melissa’s revealing wardrobe and I don’t know if it’s the show that insists that she wear revealing tops and she goes along with it, if she really likes that look, or if she fights it. I kind of think that TPTB refuse (to Natalie’s detriment) to break her out of that sexpot look. That’s just my opinion and I think that when she’s dressed in proper business attire or in fashionable but not revealing clothes, Natalie looks beautiful and we take her more seriously; and when she’s “hanging out” we tend to concentrate more on what she’s wearing than what she’s saying.