Definition: The surgical amputation of the Distal phalanx (last knuckle)along with the accompanying claw, by traditional cutting or with laser technology
While some veterinarians consider this surgery "routine," most animal advocates think of it as inhumane mutilation.
Pronunciation: onk-ee-ek-tuh-me
Also Known As: declawing
Examples: After learning the details of onchyectomy, Jason bought some scratching posts, learned how to trim claws, and decided to let his cat keep his toes.
While some veterinarians consider this surgery "routine," most animal advocates think of it as inhumane mutilation.
Pronunciation: onk-ee-ek-tuh-me
Also Known As: declawing
Examples: After learning the details of onchyectomy, Jason bought some scratching posts, learned how to trim claws, and decided to let his cat keep his toes.