Weight Loss - Changing Your Attitude to Food
Food used to be something that early humans spent all day hunting or searching for and then ate at the end of the day to get rid of hunger and give them energy.
Nowadays food has multiple meanings and uses in society which have created an undue importance on food and its position in daily life meaning we spend so much of our time, energy and money focussing on it it's no wonder we overeat and suffer from poor health and weight gain.
Food as celebration: Birthday cakes, champagne, office parties and lunch shouts, canapes at launch events, weddings, baby showers, new job - it seems there's a celebratory excuse for indulging every few days in our lives! Food as reward: You won that elusive contract, you shopped til you dropped and need a coffee (and a cake), you went for that run this morning - any excuse will do to justify that piece of carrot cake.
Food as comfort: You had a bad day, your period is giving you hell, you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend - all that sugar, fat and carb loading is bound to make you feel better and if it doesn't the Tequila might...
Food as medicine: Feed a cold, Starve a flu, you're getting your vitamin C (from orange choc chip ice cream), you need an energy boost - why do we think we can medicate ourselves with food? Food as entertainment: Bored? work from home? stuck at a party with no one you know? killing time at the mall - and the coffee shop - when all else fails you can fill in time and make yourself feel better by making an elaborate sandwich/cake/dessert platter.
When food becomes an emotional experience it becomes far more difficult to control and goes beyond its call of duty as a nourisher and energy provider.
Look at your uses for food this week and sit down and write a list of the things you could do instead of turning to food for comfort, entertainment or celebration.
Often what we really want is to give ourselves a nice experience and food is the option we turn to by habit.
Here are some of my suggestions to break the cycle: Head to the day spa for a treat Have a facial/treatment at home Go out to the movies (skip the giant tub of popcorn tho!) Grab a manicure or pedicure or do a DIY job at home Go for a drive somewhere new Buy a cheap "scratchie" lotto ticket instead of a chocolate bar Save your "treat" (AKA cake and coffee) money in a jar and go shoe shopping instead Buy a magazine, crossword book or favourite novel and curl up by the fire - or the beach Or head to the library for a great read on a budget Start a new hobby like scrapbooking and treat yourself to new stamps, papers or seals Run a nice, hot bubble bath, light some candles and send the kids to their mates' house for the night - better yet send your other half there as well...
Get some nice scented candles and light one in the bedroom for some moody romance Head to your local hot pools or swimming centre but skip the main pool and go straight for the spa and sauna
Nowadays food has multiple meanings and uses in society which have created an undue importance on food and its position in daily life meaning we spend so much of our time, energy and money focussing on it it's no wonder we overeat and suffer from poor health and weight gain.
Food as celebration: Birthday cakes, champagne, office parties and lunch shouts, canapes at launch events, weddings, baby showers, new job - it seems there's a celebratory excuse for indulging every few days in our lives! Food as reward: You won that elusive contract, you shopped til you dropped and need a coffee (and a cake), you went for that run this morning - any excuse will do to justify that piece of carrot cake.
Food as comfort: You had a bad day, your period is giving you hell, you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend - all that sugar, fat and carb loading is bound to make you feel better and if it doesn't the Tequila might...
Food as medicine: Feed a cold, Starve a flu, you're getting your vitamin C (from orange choc chip ice cream), you need an energy boost - why do we think we can medicate ourselves with food? Food as entertainment: Bored? work from home? stuck at a party with no one you know? killing time at the mall - and the coffee shop - when all else fails you can fill in time and make yourself feel better by making an elaborate sandwich/cake/dessert platter.
When food becomes an emotional experience it becomes far more difficult to control and goes beyond its call of duty as a nourisher and energy provider.
Look at your uses for food this week and sit down and write a list of the things you could do instead of turning to food for comfort, entertainment or celebration.
Often what we really want is to give ourselves a nice experience and food is the option we turn to by habit.
Here are some of my suggestions to break the cycle: Head to the day spa for a treat Have a facial/treatment at home Go out to the movies (skip the giant tub of popcorn tho!) Grab a manicure or pedicure or do a DIY job at home Go for a drive somewhere new Buy a cheap "scratchie" lotto ticket instead of a chocolate bar Save your "treat" (AKA cake and coffee) money in a jar and go shoe shopping instead Buy a magazine, crossword book or favourite novel and curl up by the fire - or the beach Or head to the library for a great read on a budget Start a new hobby like scrapbooking and treat yourself to new stamps, papers or seals Run a nice, hot bubble bath, light some candles and send the kids to their mates' house for the night - better yet send your other half there as well...
Get some nice scented candles and light one in the bedroom for some moody romance Head to your local hot pools or swimming centre but skip the main pool and go straight for the spa and sauna