Make the Most of your Bathroom's Space
Whether you have a large or small bathroom it's a part of the house where it's vitally important to make effective use of the space available. Choose your bathroom suite carefully – especially in smaller rooms – and make sure you build in some storage space by using a vanity unit or bathroom cabinets. This is not only practical it helps keep the room looking tidy which is especially important when space is at a premium.
It's essential to make a plan of your room at the start so you can make sure everything is going to fit before any work starts. This helps you see if there are any ways you can improve the layout of the room and plan where you can fit items in. If you're struggling for ideas a good plumber or online specialist should be able to help you with suggestions.
Where there's a Will, there's a Way!
Where there's only a small space you may be stuck with the existing layout but that doesn't mean you can't improve things. Look for solutions like a heated towel rail to provide extra hanging space or building in storage to the space at the end of the bath. Wall mounted basins and cabinets are great for smaller bathrooms too as they mean more of the floor is visible which helps make the room seem more spacious. If you're planning a whole new look including changing the flooring why not think about under-floor heating? Not only is it a practical solution it can help you reclaim all the space taken up by radiators to use for storage or an additional feature such as a bidet.
Sizing up the Competition
Bathroom suites come in different shapes and sizes. This means you should be able to find something to fit. If you only use the basin to wash your hands then you'll get away with a smaller one than if you need to use it to wash your hair. The one thing you generally can't shrink is the toilet so you need to plan the room around it. If you have an awkward shaped room, with say a sloping roof, remember to allow enough headroom for standing users!
Rich in Colour
You can use your choice of colours and décor to good effect too. In larger rooms you can get away with rich, dark colours without making the space look constricted. Dark wood bathroom furniture works well where the room is spacious and you can contrast it with lighter tiles or floor coverings. In smaller rooms the opposite is true, light colours and furnishings will make the space look bigger. You can use mirrors to accentuate the space and lighting can help too. Modern, bright halogen lights carefully positioned will cut out shadows and make the room seem spacious.
It's essential to make a plan of your room at the start so you can make sure everything is going to fit before any work starts. This helps you see if there are any ways you can improve the layout of the room and plan where you can fit items in. If you're struggling for ideas a good plumber or online specialist should be able to help you with suggestions.
Where there's a Will, there's a Way!
Where there's only a small space you may be stuck with the existing layout but that doesn't mean you can't improve things. Look for solutions like a heated towel rail to provide extra hanging space or building in storage to the space at the end of the bath. Wall mounted basins and cabinets are great for smaller bathrooms too as they mean more of the floor is visible which helps make the room seem more spacious. If you're planning a whole new look including changing the flooring why not think about under-floor heating? Not only is it a practical solution it can help you reclaim all the space taken up by radiators to use for storage or an additional feature such as a bidet.
Sizing up the Competition
Bathroom suites come in different shapes and sizes. This means you should be able to find something to fit. If you only use the basin to wash your hands then you'll get away with a smaller one than if you need to use it to wash your hair. The one thing you generally can't shrink is the toilet so you need to plan the room around it. If you have an awkward shaped room, with say a sloping roof, remember to allow enough headroom for standing users!
Rich in Colour
You can use your choice of colours and décor to good effect too. In larger rooms you can get away with rich, dark colours without making the space look constricted. Dark wood bathroom furniture works well where the room is spacious and you can contrast it with lighter tiles or floor coverings. In smaller rooms the opposite is true, light colours and furnishings will make the space look bigger. You can use mirrors to accentuate the space and lighting can help too. Modern, bright halogen lights carefully positioned will cut out shadows and make the room seem spacious.