How to Get the Defender Achievement in "Dragon Age"
- 1). Go to your camp.
- 2). Click on the Allied Supply Caches. Place elfroots, deep mushrooms, deathroots and metal shards in the elven cache. Put amethyst, malachite, sapphire and topaz in the dwarven cache. Place magical runes in the mage cache, and put money in the soldier cache. The more you place of each, the better prepared your troops will be.
- 3). Proceed through the game until you reach the final battle. Equip your main character and closest allies with the best weapons and armor at your disposal.
- 4). Kill as many enemies as possible. They are relatively weak, and you'll be able to defeat most of them with one or two hits. Use area-effect spells and abilities to rapidly decimate their numbers. The more you kill, the less danger your troops are in.
- 5). Finish the battle by killing off the last of the enemies. If at least half of your troops survived, you'll get the Defender achievement.