How to Repair Leather Upholstery
- 1). You are going to need a leather repair kit. Some major stores carry them or you can visit an auto parts store. The kits are usually under $10.
- 2). If you have a scratch you need to use the provided colors to mix together to get it close as possible to your piece of leather. Use a toothpick to apply the adhesive to the scratch and try to keep it even. Next they will give you a piece of paper with different grain patterns on it. Match it to your piece of leather and then use the provided heat applicator. This will cause the adhesive to properly bond to the rest of the leather.
- 3). If you have a tear in your leather you need to cut it out in a circle. Don't make it any larger then is necessary. Use the piece you cut out to make a template and make a patch with another piece of leather. You can find many leather colors at your fabric store and remember to bring in your circle to compare! Now use the provided adhesive in the repair kit to match the colors again. If you couldn't get a match in color with your patch, you may mix the adhesive over the entire patch to color match it. Now use the grain and heat applicator as directed and you have repaired your leather!