Wrist-Lock Technique Overload
It seems in the martial arts that you commonly get too extremes -- there are those who don't really know much in the ways of joint locking, and there are those who know too many locks.
Often, the latter group know a large quantity of locks, but can't make them practical.
All martial artists could benefit from knowing a practical set of locks -- wrist locks and arm bars that are actually practical.
Wrist Lock Encyclopedia, But ...
These walking encyclopedias of wrist locks and martial-arts techniques can't effect a lock in a real situation.
The locks don't come -- nothing seems to work.
With so many locks to choose from, how do they choose? Their decision making gets stalled.
Also, they many people practice the lock, without the lead-in.
Unless you know how to counter even unfamiliar locks, you'll have to feel a familiar position, before you start to reverse the move.
Add locks into your repertoire one at a time, AFTER you figure out how to use it practically.
Just a Few Joint-Locking Techniques In the case of practical wrist locks, for many martial artists, less is usually better.
You need a small set of locks that interrelate.
To make your locking truly practical, practice flowing from one joint lock to another.
Why? Well, for one reason, when you try to effect a lock, sometimes you'll encounter resistance.
I guarantee that if you practice flowing from one lock to the next, that as you feel your opponent tense, you'll know exactly which different lock to flow into.
Just grab any number of locks, maybe 7-8.
Or if you don't know that many, maybe only 3-4.
The number doesn't really matter.
Now, figure out logically how to go from one lock to the next.
Make the transitions smooth and efficient.
Of course, there are many more uses for patterns than flowing into a different lock when someone resists.
For example, you'll see ways to counter a lock attempted on you.
Often, the latter group know a large quantity of locks, but can't make them practical.
All martial artists could benefit from knowing a practical set of locks -- wrist locks and arm bars that are actually practical.
Wrist Lock Encyclopedia, But ...
These walking encyclopedias of wrist locks and martial-arts techniques can't effect a lock in a real situation.
The locks don't come -- nothing seems to work.
With so many locks to choose from, how do they choose? Their decision making gets stalled.
Also, they many people practice the lock, without the lead-in.
Unless you know how to counter even unfamiliar locks, you'll have to feel a familiar position, before you start to reverse the move.
Add locks into your repertoire one at a time, AFTER you figure out how to use it practically.
Just a Few Joint-Locking Techniques In the case of practical wrist locks, for many martial artists, less is usually better.
You need a small set of locks that interrelate.
To make your locking truly practical, practice flowing from one joint lock to another.
Why? Well, for one reason, when you try to effect a lock, sometimes you'll encounter resistance.
I guarantee that if you practice flowing from one lock to the next, that as you feel your opponent tense, you'll know exactly which different lock to flow into.
Note: In Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert, you learn two different patterns that teach you to flow.Design A Wrist-Lock Pattern For Your Set You don't need my patterns.
The patterns represent a small set of locks -- perfect for what we are talking about.
Just grab any number of locks, maybe 7-8.
Or if you don't know that many, maybe only 3-4.
The number doesn't really matter.
Now, figure out logically how to go from one lock to the next.
Make the transitions smooth and efficient.
Of course, there are many more uses for patterns than flowing into a different lock when someone resists.
For example, you'll see ways to counter a lock attempted on you.