What Is the Best Litter for Chickens: Pine or Cedar Shavings?
- Pine and cedar chips are both readily available at most animal-supply stores.
- It is a misconception that cedar would be the better choice for chicken litter due to the aromatic nature of cedar, reducing the smell in the coop.
- Cedar chips have been known to harbor bacteria that are harmful to chickens. Cedar also gives off fumes that could weaken the chickens' respiratory systems,leaving them more susceptible to respiratory problems. Cedar should be avoided.
- The benefits of pine chips include:
--Lightweight, easy to handle
--Makes good compost and fertilizer when mixed with chicken manure - After selecting the proper litter material, how you use it is also important. The deep litter method (at least 4 inches) is a win-win situation. The chicken coop air quality is healthier, and the amount of time cleaning the coop is reduced.
Deep Litter