An Inconvenient Truth - Life Is Based on Murder
Undeniably, happiness and pleasure are the most coveted and priceless part of the human experience.
Without such desires and values, perpetuation of the species would not be possible, as few women would be willing to undergo the agony of pregnancy and child birth.
Happiness and pleasure also define and reward triumph and success in all fields of human endeavor, from the sports arena to the battlefields of war and competition in the market.
The philosophy of pragmatism that pervades so much of American thought and psyche, recognizes the zero sum game of life: where the thrill of victory is attained at the cost of someone's agonizing defeat.
HUMAN CIVILIZATION CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT IT But it is quite evident that happiness and pleasure lacks the compelling urgency of what we may call utilitarian murder, without which there can be no life, no perpetuation, no pleasure and no happiness at all.
In fact no human civilization whatsoever.
In order for the three cycles to work and be self-sustaining, survival and perpetuation of the human species is assured through an unremitting life-death trade-off: human life can only be sustained at the cost of another life, from that of land and sea animals and plants.
Eating rocks is not an option on any human menu.
Even with advances in food science, humans can only survive by killing and consuming once-living, breathing biological matter.
So thanks to other life forms we don't have to be a cannibal species to survive.
Our unquenchable need for biological matter (and the ruthlessness we employ to get it) explains the relative ease with which we kill and slaughter our own kind in war and even times of peace.
This vital human requirement of biological matter contribute immensely to our proclivity to view nature and its creatures in dualistic, combative terms, as separate from us and therefore rivals, as prey to hunt down, domesticate, and consume.
VAST CONCENTRATION CAMPS Being at the top of the food chain, humans dictate which will be consigned to the killing fields (read butchering factories that resemble vast concentration camps).
Whether, fish, fowl, hoof, or veggies, it doesn't matter.
The end (human survival) justifies the means (mass murder).
Man's killing machines, that few people have seen, mask and launder the systematic slaughter of life forms below the food chain.
So the next time meal is served, let us pause and thank those life forms on the table before consuming it for fuel and pleasure.