Bed Bugs - How to Eliminate the Bedbugs
Bed bugs are small insects with the size of a grain of rice so you are able to see them with your bare eyes.
Adult bed bugs are about 1/4 inch long and they have flat reddish-brown-colored oval shape bodies, sometimes people think that they are cockroaches or ticks.
The life span is usually around 12 to 18 months.
Though they cannot fly, they move very fast on the floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces.
They are usually found in homes, hotels, apartments, motels, dormitories, schools, transportations, or even healthcare facilities.
They like to stay in dark and quiet places such as in furniture cracks, other small cracks or under the bed mattresses.
It is quite difficult to locate their breeding sites.
They are rarely seen in daylight.
They will come out from their hiding places at night.
They feed by sucking blood from warmed-blood creature like human or animals.
They can even live for several months or longer without blood.
It can travel around the world.
They can survive in luggage, furniture, clothing, vehicles, aircraft, cruise ships and other types of transportation.
They are not known in carrying disease but their bites can make some people allergic.
When you are bitten by bed bugs, you may see some raised red bumps which look pretty similar to mosquito or flea bites but they do not have a red spot in the center, they last longer, and they are also very itchy.
Also some people may get skin infections and scars from scratching the bites.
Adult bed bugs are about 1/4 inch long and they have flat reddish-brown-colored oval shape bodies, sometimes people think that they are cockroaches or ticks.
The life span is usually around 12 to 18 months.
Though they cannot fly, they move very fast on the floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces.
They are usually found in homes, hotels, apartments, motels, dormitories, schools, transportations, or even healthcare facilities.
They like to stay in dark and quiet places such as in furniture cracks, other small cracks or under the bed mattresses.
It is quite difficult to locate their breeding sites.
They are rarely seen in daylight.
They will come out from their hiding places at night.
They feed by sucking blood from warmed-blood creature like human or animals.
They can even live for several months or longer without blood.
It can travel around the world.
They can survive in luggage, furniture, clothing, vehicles, aircraft, cruise ships and other types of transportation.
They are not known in carrying disease but their bites can make some people allergic.
When you are bitten by bed bugs, you may see some raised red bumps which look pretty similar to mosquito or flea bites but they do not have a red spot in the center, they last longer, and they are also very itchy.
Also some people may get skin infections and scars from scratching the bites.