Gold As a Defensive Investment - Protect Your Future With Gold
When will the the deflationary crash end? I ask that question because even though the pressures of uncertainty are driving up the price of gold which has hit $1000 for the third time in 18 months, it is still being weighed down by the deflationary pressures in the market.
At what stage should we use gold as a defensive investment? Inflation is in the future and that certainty is already being reflected in the gold price, but when inflation really hits, gold could soar to unheard of heights.
This event must seem like a long time coming.
Be patient.
Keep funds available for the more short term plays, and buy your favourite gold investments on the dips.
For example, right now you might consider shorting the banks and commercial real estate, but don't take your eyes off that gold price.
What sort of conditions have to be in place for gold to display serious intent.
Inflation should be a good base for gold's rise, and certainly since the gold bull market began its inexorable rise in 2001/2 credit inflation has been the driving force behind the economies and the markets, but now we are in an age of credit deflation, yet gold is still holding its own and rising.
The investing public is beginning to understand that treating gold as a defensive investment is the sensible way to go.
Thats because the real inflation that drives gold is about to take control - currency inflation or printing money.
Apart from uncertainty buoying up the gold price, could it be that the massive amounts of dollars being printed, to save the banks, are being used to purchase gold and equities, thereby driving them up against the odds.
Its an intriguing thought.
Banks are contracting their lending despite the massive inflow of dollars - we are told in order to bolster their balance sheets - but that 'free' credit could be financing rising investments, which would boost their balance sheets even more.
Despite the government intentions to 'save' the banks and regain control, their actions could come back and bite them.
It could be the banks that are again in control - which will end in tears - again.
Printing of currency and the resulting inflation are the threats to our way of life and security which are establishing gold as a serious defensive investment in the minds of prudent investors.
The factors driving the gold price are highly complex In order to use gold as a serious defensive investment we need the benefit of serious expertise so we know when and how to take the best action to protect our futures.
Clicking on this link will take you to our our free gold report and library of serious and informative articles on precious metals and commodities - This library is continually expanding.
You can reference it any time.
One of my favourite speculations is the Junior Gold Share Market.
As the price of gold rose to over $1000 last week, a lot of the little juniors had huge increases ..
and managed to hold most of their gains.
Take advantage of that trend now.
At what stage should we use gold as a defensive investment? Inflation is in the future and that certainty is already being reflected in the gold price, but when inflation really hits, gold could soar to unheard of heights.
This event must seem like a long time coming.
Be patient.
Keep funds available for the more short term plays, and buy your favourite gold investments on the dips.
For example, right now you might consider shorting the banks and commercial real estate, but don't take your eyes off that gold price.
What sort of conditions have to be in place for gold to display serious intent.
Inflation should be a good base for gold's rise, and certainly since the gold bull market began its inexorable rise in 2001/2 credit inflation has been the driving force behind the economies and the markets, but now we are in an age of credit deflation, yet gold is still holding its own and rising.
The investing public is beginning to understand that treating gold as a defensive investment is the sensible way to go.
Thats because the real inflation that drives gold is about to take control - currency inflation or printing money.
Apart from uncertainty buoying up the gold price, could it be that the massive amounts of dollars being printed, to save the banks, are being used to purchase gold and equities, thereby driving them up against the odds.
Its an intriguing thought.
Banks are contracting their lending despite the massive inflow of dollars - we are told in order to bolster their balance sheets - but that 'free' credit could be financing rising investments, which would boost their balance sheets even more.
Despite the government intentions to 'save' the banks and regain control, their actions could come back and bite them.
It could be the banks that are again in control - which will end in tears - again.
Printing of currency and the resulting inflation are the threats to our way of life and security which are establishing gold as a serious defensive investment in the minds of prudent investors.
The factors driving the gold price are highly complex In order to use gold as a serious defensive investment we need the benefit of serious expertise so we know when and how to take the best action to protect our futures.
Clicking on this link will take you to our our free gold report and library of serious and informative articles on precious metals and commodities - This library is continually expanding.
You can reference it any time.
One of my favourite speculations is the Junior Gold Share Market.
As the price of gold rose to over $1000 last week, a lot of the little juniors had huge increases ..
and managed to hold most of their gains.
Take advantage of that trend now.