Black Mold Symptoms - This Article Could Possibly Save Your Life
Before you can understand black mold symptoms, it only makes sense that you understand what it is.
Black mold is more commonly called mildew or toxic mold, and is one type of fungi that evolve and grow on any exterior area if the conditions are right.
As the mold begins to grow and becomes visible, it looks like a powdery substance.
Just about any damp area with a little light is a prime area for mold to incubate.
If you have a surface that is moist do to a water leak or humidity, take that as a sign of a possible growth area and immediately take preventive measures.
There are times when mold will grow in areas that cannot be visually detected.
You can still identify these dangers by the smell.
Mold will have a musty smell to it that will serve as a warning sign for you.
Locate the area where the smell is coming from and look for the signs of mold/mildew.
If you or anyone located in the domicile has a sudden change such as allergic or respiratory reaction when in a certain area of the domicile this could be a sign.
Once mold has begun to form, it needs some sort of nutrition to continue to grow.
The mold will feed from the surface it is attached to.
If the mold is left unchecked and continues to grow, it will form Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
This chemical compound is extremely harmful to the human nervous system, as well as their respiratory system.
If an individual is subject to VOC for a long time, he or she will begin to get extremely ill and will die if not treated.
Below I have listed some common black mold symptoms: Infertility A loss of concentration Headaches Uncontrollable coughing Sudden breakout on skin such as rashes and or hives A constant feeling of nausea Memory loss Dizziness Asthma Irregularity in your blood pressure Frequent urinary track infections Respiration difficulties Eye irritation and or red eyes Lethargy Damaged respiratory system Pain to internal organs especially the liver Irritation in mucous membranes The best method for dealing with the aforementioned symptoms is to take preventive actions to control the mold initially.
Keep the level of moisture at bay; this will go a long way at keeping molding in check.
If you were to test the relative humidity, or the RH this would let you know when or if you need to dehumidify your domicile.
It is recommended that you do a thorough check of your domicile annually at minimum.
You will want to check for such things as leaky pipes, a leak in your roof, or some sort of condensation problem.
Even though it may not appear major to you, it is recommended that you repair the problem area immediately.
Black mold is more commonly called mildew or toxic mold, and is one type of fungi that evolve and grow on any exterior area if the conditions are right.
As the mold begins to grow and becomes visible, it looks like a powdery substance.
Just about any damp area with a little light is a prime area for mold to incubate.
If you have a surface that is moist do to a water leak or humidity, take that as a sign of a possible growth area and immediately take preventive measures.
There are times when mold will grow in areas that cannot be visually detected.
You can still identify these dangers by the smell.
Mold will have a musty smell to it that will serve as a warning sign for you.
Locate the area where the smell is coming from and look for the signs of mold/mildew.
If you or anyone located in the domicile has a sudden change such as allergic or respiratory reaction when in a certain area of the domicile this could be a sign.
Once mold has begun to form, it needs some sort of nutrition to continue to grow.
The mold will feed from the surface it is attached to.
If the mold is left unchecked and continues to grow, it will form Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
This chemical compound is extremely harmful to the human nervous system, as well as their respiratory system.
If an individual is subject to VOC for a long time, he or she will begin to get extremely ill and will die if not treated.
Below I have listed some common black mold symptoms: Infertility A loss of concentration Headaches Uncontrollable coughing Sudden breakout on skin such as rashes and or hives A constant feeling of nausea Memory loss Dizziness Asthma Irregularity in your blood pressure Frequent urinary track infections Respiration difficulties Eye irritation and or red eyes Lethargy Damaged respiratory system Pain to internal organs especially the liver Irritation in mucous membranes The best method for dealing with the aforementioned symptoms is to take preventive actions to control the mold initially.
Keep the level of moisture at bay; this will go a long way at keeping molding in check.
If you were to test the relative humidity, or the RH this would let you know when or if you need to dehumidify your domicile.
It is recommended that you do a thorough check of your domicile annually at minimum.
You will want to check for such things as leaky pipes, a leak in your roof, or some sort of condensation problem.
Even though it may not appear major to you, it is recommended that you repair the problem area immediately.