Let"s Cut Off Iraq Military Funding
When we asked him to explain, it appears that they just never thought that one through.
This whole thing seems like a fine how-do-you-do for the men and women in uniform who have volunteered and put their lives on the line for our nation? What have the Congressmen and women volunteered for - free lunches paid by a lobbyist? So, nice of them to grace them selves with their presence - Indeed, I am not one to throw a ham sandwich into the political sound and fury, but it appears that our Congress is willing to.
Pork Barrel spending is their compromise.
And of course they are glad to be of service.
"We will cut off funding for Iraq, unless you put this or that into the bill!" You know if you do not support the US Military, you do not stand for a strong nation.
If you refuse to support the defense of this nation, then Carl von Clauswitz foretells the end of such a society and civilization and let's just say it ain't pretty.