History Of Porsche
The history of Porsche began in 1948, June 8th to be exact. Thatis when the first two seater 356 was produced. There were 51hand built Porsche 356/2 automobiles built in Austria. Thismodel had a 40 hp 1.1 liter center engine.
The Porsche 911 rear engine automobile was introduced in 1963.It has been one of the biggest selling sports cars in the world.Over one million have been sold.
Porsche has a new offering for the sports car enthusiast in2006. Positioned between the Boxster S and 911 Carrera, andmarketed as an alternative to the BMW Z4 and the Mercedes SLK,the Cayman S is to start appearing in showrooms in January 2006and will carry a price tag of $58,900.00. Porsche is onlyoffering this hot-rod Cayman S and will not say when they willoffer an entry level model.
The Cayman S is a two seater modified version of the Boxsterconvertible. The Cayman has a 295 hp 3.4 liter six cylindermid-engine that goes from 0-60 mph in an impressive 5.1 seconds.Similar to the Boxster S, the Cayman S has a precise six speedmanual gearbox with a double inertia flywheel and hydraulicclutch and power rear wheels. The Porsche Active SuspensionManagement is an electronic damping control system that is anoption on the Cayman S. Switched on this system assures a smoothride and it improves stability and grip for sharper steeringresponses.
Inside the Cayman S offers an on-board computer system withcontinuous indication of mileage, time and speed, automaticclimate control, digital radio with in dash CD and a 7 speakerBose Surround Sound System.
Porsche expects the new Cayman S to attract the upwardly mobilemarket. The company expects that Cayman buyers will be customersmoving up from the Porsche Boxster
The Porsche 911 rear engine automobile was introduced in 1963.It has been one of the biggest selling sports cars in the world.Over one million have been sold.
Porsche has a new offering for the sports car enthusiast in2006. Positioned between the Boxster S and 911 Carrera, andmarketed as an alternative to the BMW Z4 and the Mercedes SLK,the Cayman S is to start appearing in showrooms in January 2006and will carry a price tag of $58,900.00. Porsche is onlyoffering this hot-rod Cayman S and will not say when they willoffer an entry level model.
The Cayman S is a two seater modified version of the Boxsterconvertible. The Cayman has a 295 hp 3.4 liter six cylindermid-engine that goes from 0-60 mph in an impressive 5.1 seconds.Similar to the Boxster S, the Cayman S has a precise six speedmanual gearbox with a double inertia flywheel and hydraulicclutch and power rear wheels. The Porsche Active SuspensionManagement is an electronic damping control system that is anoption on the Cayman S. Switched on this system assures a smoothride and it improves stability and grip for sharper steeringresponses.
Inside the Cayman S offers an on-board computer system withcontinuous indication of mileage, time and speed, automaticclimate control, digital radio with in dash CD and a 7 speakerBose Surround Sound System.
Porsche expects the new Cayman S to attract the upwardly mobilemarket. The company expects that Cayman buyers will be customersmoving up from the Porsche Boxster