Treatment Options of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
To know the treament options of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), we need to understand it is a type of chronic rheumatic autoimmunne disease, the symptoms of which varies from patients to patients. With the development of modern medicine, the prognosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis have been improved greatly, while the early diagnosis, early treatment and aggressive medication play very important roles for this. And the main treatment goals are relieing pain and stiffness, preventing deformity and helping to maintain normal motor function. So what are the treatment options of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
1, medication treatment: medication is the core option of the treatment of Anlylosing Spondylitis(AS). In early stage, aggressive application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ie anti-inflammatory painkillers, can relieve pain and stiffness and put the disease to remission, which helps patients maintain proper body posture and keep normal activity. The common disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) include Salazosulfapyridine, Methotrexate and so on. They can allevate inflammation, slow down or prevent the progress of disease. After the disease goes to remission stage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug usully has no very obvious effects, meanwhile the side-effects of long-term application of such medicine begin to appear. Therefore, in the remission period, the option of Traditional Chinese Medicine can regulate the whole immune systerm of patients, improve the immune ability and remove the side-effects of hornmone medicine, which greatly riased the effient of treatment and improved the prognosis of Ankylosing Spndylitis.
2, keep proper and good body posture: it is very important to keep good and proper body posture no matter when you are walking, siting or lying, which can help preventing joint fusion. In the daily life, patients had better sleep hard bed, sleep lower pillow (which can fill and level up the space behind cervical spine), sleep faceup and extening legs. When patients are standing or walking, they had better straight and upright the back as much as possible, with shulders flat and head upright.
3, exercise training: regular exercise and physical training is an important part of the whole treatment, which mainly help maintain and improving patient's body posture. Deep breath and aerobic exercise contribute to maintain the flexibility of throrax. For example, taking execises, shadowboxing, swimming all are good options to keep the flexibility of spond, neck, shoulder and sciatic. In addition, they can promote the deep breath of patients. If patients feel too pain or too stiff to move, they can have a hot bath which will relax the joints and muscle. Exercise should be slow at the beginning, and take exercises when you are vigorous and the amount of exercise should not make the next day's pain severe.
4, operative treatment: if there is already spasticity of hip joint, patients can retain motor function of joint by joint replacement operation. Operation can staight the severe bend spine, while such kind of operations are of high level of difficulty and risk. In clinical practice, operations usually are the last option for both the patients and doctors.
1, medication treatment: medication is the core option of the treatment of Anlylosing Spondylitis(AS). In early stage, aggressive application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ie anti-inflammatory painkillers, can relieve pain and stiffness and put the disease to remission, which helps patients maintain proper body posture and keep normal activity. The common disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) include Salazosulfapyridine, Methotrexate and so on. They can allevate inflammation, slow down or prevent the progress of disease. After the disease goes to remission stage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug usully has no very obvious effects, meanwhile the side-effects of long-term application of such medicine begin to appear. Therefore, in the remission period, the option of Traditional Chinese Medicine can regulate the whole immune systerm of patients, improve the immune ability and remove the side-effects of hornmone medicine, which greatly riased the effient of treatment and improved the prognosis of Ankylosing Spndylitis.
2, keep proper and good body posture: it is very important to keep good and proper body posture no matter when you are walking, siting or lying, which can help preventing joint fusion. In the daily life, patients had better sleep hard bed, sleep lower pillow (which can fill and level up the space behind cervical spine), sleep faceup and extening legs. When patients are standing or walking, they had better straight and upright the back as much as possible, with shulders flat and head upright.
3, exercise training: regular exercise and physical training is an important part of the whole treatment, which mainly help maintain and improving patient's body posture. Deep breath and aerobic exercise contribute to maintain the flexibility of throrax. For example, taking execises, shadowboxing, swimming all are good options to keep the flexibility of spond, neck, shoulder and sciatic. In addition, they can promote the deep breath of patients. If patients feel too pain or too stiff to move, they can have a hot bath which will relax the joints and muscle. Exercise should be slow at the beginning, and take exercises when you are vigorous and the amount of exercise should not make the next day's pain severe.
4, operative treatment: if there is already spasticity of hip joint, patients can retain motor function of joint by joint replacement operation. Operation can staight the severe bend spine, while such kind of operations are of high level of difficulty and risk. In clinical practice, operations usually are the last option for both the patients and doctors.