How To Consolidate Debt With Credit Cards
Many people think that credit cards can only dig you deeper into debt but the fact of the matter is that if you use them correctly you can actually use them to help you get to where you want to be financially.
If you have gotten into trouble using them too often or irresponsibly in the past, it isn't too late to start using them wisely.
Only Keep What You Need If you want to consolidate your arrears you will have to get rid of the credit cards that you have that you don't absolutely need.
And when you consider what you need you shouldn't be thinking about what you would like to keep around for those impulse buys at the mall or the impromptu vacations with friends.
Instead, think about what you should keep around for unexpected medical bills and car repairs and get rid of everything else.
After you have gotten rid of the accounts that you no longer absolutely need, start shopping around for debt cards that offer you the ability to transfer your balances that you have now to an account with a lower interest rate.
This will allow you to make payment on your debt more affordably because you aren't constantly paying interest only.
If possible, try to transfer as much of your balances as possible to one card.
This will mean that you have a bigger payment but you are making just one payment then with one interest rate.
Which will mean that you are giving more than the actual amount you owe.
Make sure that you continue paying more than the monthly minimum each month.
A good idea is to total up the amount that you were paying before to all of your plastic money accounts before and then continue to pay this amount.
You will likely be paying far more than the minimum balance, but this is good! When you are making payment for the minimum balance only, you aren't paying off anything more than interest and you will continue to pay on the account for ages.
When you consistently pay more than the minimum amount due you are actually making strides to get out of the arrears.
If you continue to pay on your account in this manner for six to nine months you will see a huge difference in your credit score as well as the way creditors respond to any new requests for credit, such as if you need to buy a home or a car.
Many people underestimate how little time and effort it actually takes to get out of debt, so take some time to look into your options and then start making a difference.
The right credit card really can help you to turn your financial situation around, as long as you create a plan for balance transfers and payment and you stick to it.