Should You Drive Your Own Car on Vacation or Take a Rental Car?
If the vacation is a weekend one, it can be surprising how many things need to be packed for such a short trip.
A week or longer vacation will require even more luggage and traveling supplies to be packed.
These things should be taken into consideration when you are deciding whether it is more convenient and economical to take your own car or to take a rental car.
Rental cars provide opportunities to have more room to stretch out if your own car is smaller and only seats five people in a tight squeeze.
The majority of compact cars and sedans will fit two people in the front and three people in the back.
While there technically may be seat belts for five people, this does not always mean that five people are going to fit comfortably into the vehicle.
Many smaller sedans and compact cars make it difficult for three teenagers or three adults to fit into the back seat without someone being pressed uncomfortably up against a door or another passenger.
These are important things to consider when you are trying to make the decision if your car has adequate space for your passengers for your vacation.
Your larger sedan may be fully equipped and have enough space for everyone traveling with you.
If this is the case, the only other thing to consider is the amount of wear and tear you will be putting on your vehicle.
If you would like to avoid driving your car a long distance during family vacations, contact a local car rental company and ask about coupons or specials they are running.
You may be surprised to discover how affordable renting a large sedan for your vacation can actually be.
If you own a van and it is only yourself and your spouse going away on a romantic getaway, considering a rental car may be ideal for this situation.
When you leave the kids with relatives or a sitter while you take a few days away on vacation and decide to drive, a luxury rental car or a modest sedan can be more suitable and more enjoyable.
Instead of trying to maneuver a large van around your vacation destination, consider upgrading to a classy sports car or a luxury sedan as a rental.
Even a compact car can make your vacation with your spouse more affordable and more practical by saving you fuel expenses.
There are many things to consider before going on vacation.
Deciding to take your own vehicle or a rental car is one thing decision that many people come face to face with.
You may decide that it is simply more feasible for you to drive your own car.
However, if the distance you are driving is significant, saving wear and tear on your own vehicle and choosing a comfortable rental car may be the best option.