Preparation for Ministry In Song
God has given many people the wonderful ability to sing but has called few into the music ministry.
Leading the praise of God's people is an awesome responsibility, and preparing for ministry in song takes more than talent; it takes a sincere desire to please God.
While the preacher's job during a worship service is to convey the word of God through the inspired Scriptures, the job of one ministering through music is to express these same truths in song so that God can bring a spirit of worship to his people.
Preparation for ministry in song, then, calls for a person to develop a great understanding of and love for the Scriptures.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, the Bible encourages all Christians to strive toward this goal: "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
" It is imperative for those in the music ministry to be able to discern the veracity of the lyrics of the songs they choose to sing and to compare these to the Word of God.
Prayer is also a vital ingredient for those preparing to serve in the music ministry.
It is only when a person knows God intimately in a daily personal relationship that he or she becomes aware of just how praiseworthy the Creator is and how much he deserves to be honored through song.
Prayer cleanses the heart, banishes pride, humbles the spirit, and imparts knowledge.
One prayer that should resonate in the hearts of those preparing for ministering in song is found in Psalm 51:12: "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me [with thy] free spirit.
"With the Spirit's gentle reminders of God's greatness and loving care for His children, a singer's enthusiasm can spill over into sincere praise and worship.
Prayer should not only be consistently offered for personal renewal, but also those preparing to honor God through music should habitually pray for the congregation of God's people.
After much prayer and intercession, someone preparing for music ministry needs to learn to wait on the Lord's instructions.
God has a plan for each time his people assemble, and he wants to use his ministers accordingly.
Taking the time to listen to the Holy Spirit's urging is a powerful step in getting ready to lead in worship.
God may speak in a "still small voice," or He may communicate his desires through another person or staff member, but God will direct when he is asked to do so.
Preparation for ministry in song includes asking God to "make me to hear joy and gladness; [that] the bones [which] thou hast broken may rejoice" (Psalms 51:8).
Anyone willing to use his or her musical talent for God should also have a desire to spend time preparing themselves for this Anyone willing to use his or her musical talent for God should also have a desire to spend time preparing themselves for this ministry, and God promises to honor such effort.
According to Proverbs 11:18, "To him that soweth righteousness [shall be] a sure reward.
Leading the praise of God's people is an awesome responsibility, and preparing for ministry in song takes more than talent; it takes a sincere desire to please God.
While the preacher's job during a worship service is to convey the word of God through the inspired Scriptures, the job of one ministering through music is to express these same truths in song so that God can bring a spirit of worship to his people.
Preparation for ministry in song, then, calls for a person to develop a great understanding of and love for the Scriptures.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, the Bible encourages all Christians to strive toward this goal: "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
" It is imperative for those in the music ministry to be able to discern the veracity of the lyrics of the songs they choose to sing and to compare these to the Word of God.
Prayer is also a vital ingredient for those preparing to serve in the music ministry.
It is only when a person knows God intimately in a daily personal relationship that he or she becomes aware of just how praiseworthy the Creator is and how much he deserves to be honored through song.
Prayer cleanses the heart, banishes pride, humbles the spirit, and imparts knowledge.
One prayer that should resonate in the hearts of those preparing for ministering in song is found in Psalm 51:12: "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me [with thy] free spirit.
"With the Spirit's gentle reminders of God's greatness and loving care for His children, a singer's enthusiasm can spill over into sincere praise and worship.
Prayer should not only be consistently offered for personal renewal, but also those preparing to honor God through music should habitually pray for the congregation of God's people.
After much prayer and intercession, someone preparing for music ministry needs to learn to wait on the Lord's instructions.
God has a plan for each time his people assemble, and he wants to use his ministers accordingly.
Taking the time to listen to the Holy Spirit's urging is a powerful step in getting ready to lead in worship.
God may speak in a "still small voice," or He may communicate his desires through another person or staff member, but God will direct when he is asked to do so.
Preparation for ministry in song includes asking God to "make me to hear joy and gladness; [that] the bones [which] thou hast broken may rejoice" (Psalms 51:8).
Anyone willing to use his or her musical talent for God should also have a desire to spend time preparing themselves for this Anyone willing to use his or her musical talent for God should also have a desire to spend time preparing themselves for this ministry, and God promises to honor such effort.
According to Proverbs 11:18, "To him that soweth righteousness [shall be] a sure reward.