Take a Bath in Safety With Simple Installations
As people grow older, it becomes increasingly important for them to have the appropriate bath safety devices or materials in their bathroom.
Even though it is unfortunate, slipping and falling becomes more prominent in older ages.
The good news is that there are certain pieces of equipment that can be installed in any bathroom for safety.
The Bathtub Most accidents in the bathroom happen in or around the bathtub.
This is because here is where the most movement takes place.
For instance, the person has to lift their legs in and out of the tub.
When they get out of the wet shower, if they do not trip on the ledge, there is a very real possibility of slipping on the wet floor.
To make a bathtub safe, the first place to start is with the actual bathtub.
Most people with mobility problems or disabilities have discovered there are other forms of bathtubs available.
One type, a walk-in tub, has become very popular over the last several years because of its increased safety.
Walk-in bathtubs have a door on the side that the individual can open, walk-in, and then close behind them.
The doors are fortified to keep water from leaking, and these bathtubs keep people who are not able to bend easily from lifting their legs up and over and finally into the bathtub.
The bathtubs, most often, come with installed seats that keep the person from having to lower themselves entirely in the tub or to be a resting point if they take a shower.
Handlebars One of the biggest contributions to any bathroom being built for safety is handlebars.
It is good to have these installed on the outside of the bathtub where the person will enter, and then one inside the bathtub for balance.
There are different kinds of bars that can be used for handlebars (not towel racks).
Any that will be used inside a shower should have a grip and be made from a material that will allow friction.
Floor The floor in any bathroom should be as slip proof or water resistant as possible.
This is not the case in most homes already built.
There are several materials in existence now that are great for bathroom floors.
They ensure that the floor does not have a wet, slippery feel to the foot that can cause it to come right out from under the person.
If the home owner does not want to redo their bathroom floor, there are other options.
One is making sure there is a dry bath mat on the floor at all times.
Another is using floor strips that can be placed on the floor, and when walked over, the feet have traction.
Even though it is unfortunate, slipping and falling becomes more prominent in older ages.
The good news is that there are certain pieces of equipment that can be installed in any bathroom for safety.
The Bathtub Most accidents in the bathroom happen in or around the bathtub.
This is because here is where the most movement takes place.
For instance, the person has to lift their legs in and out of the tub.
When they get out of the wet shower, if they do not trip on the ledge, there is a very real possibility of slipping on the wet floor.
To make a bathtub safe, the first place to start is with the actual bathtub.
Most people with mobility problems or disabilities have discovered there are other forms of bathtubs available.
One type, a walk-in tub, has become very popular over the last several years because of its increased safety.
Walk-in bathtubs have a door on the side that the individual can open, walk-in, and then close behind them.
The doors are fortified to keep water from leaking, and these bathtubs keep people who are not able to bend easily from lifting their legs up and over and finally into the bathtub.
The bathtubs, most often, come with installed seats that keep the person from having to lower themselves entirely in the tub or to be a resting point if they take a shower.
Handlebars One of the biggest contributions to any bathroom being built for safety is handlebars.
It is good to have these installed on the outside of the bathtub where the person will enter, and then one inside the bathtub for balance.
There are different kinds of bars that can be used for handlebars (not towel racks).
Any that will be used inside a shower should have a grip and be made from a material that will allow friction.
Floor The floor in any bathroom should be as slip proof or water resistant as possible.
This is not the case in most homes already built.
There are several materials in existence now that are great for bathroom floors.
They ensure that the floor does not have a wet, slippery feel to the foot that can cause it to come right out from under the person.
If the home owner does not want to redo their bathroom floor, there are other options.
One is making sure there is a dry bath mat on the floor at all times.
Another is using floor strips that can be placed on the floor, and when walked over, the feet have traction.