Network Marketing List: What Are the Top Industries in Network Marketing
The top industries in network marketing have been hotly debated by many over the years, but one sector tends to stand out among the rest: health and wellness. This is a closer look at health and wellness, alongside other industries like legal services, telecom, entertainment, and travel. Understanding the successes and failures of industries over time, and creating a personal network marketing list can lead reps to making the right decision for themselves.
Who Is at the Top of the Network Marketing List?
A 2010 publication of the top network marketing companies shows the staying power of the health and wellness industry. Eight of the top ten companies are listed under health and wellness, selling products from shakes, juices and vitamins, to cosmetics, anti-aging creams, and body soaps. The network marketing list, published by Nexera, required that all companies listed be in business for at least ten years. This shows the staying power of the industry, and the opportunities that will likely arise in the boom of health and wellness in the 2000's. Other industries listed in the top ten include telecom and legal services with two global companies: ACN and Pre-Paid Legal.
Travel is a large industry, as well as entertainment. But entertainment companies haven't shown great lasting power over the past few decades, as video games and social media-based games fall by the wayside with improvements in technology.
What the Network Marketing List Means for You
But what does all of this mean for a network marketer who is preparing to choose an opportunity? Is health and wellness the way to go? Or are other, unsaturated industries a good bet for success in network marketing?
The truth is that choosing a network marketing opportunity isn't nearly as important as what you do once the opportunity begins. A rep's a ability to generate warm leads, pitch to prospects, and effectively lead their team to success are far more important than the opportunity itself. While each rep needs to feel comfortable and confident in their upline and the products they plan to sell, it's important to note that any good network marketer can sell an opportunity in any industry.
Ultimately, it's important to find an opportunity you believe in personally, and then begin learning the tools to success for building your network marketing business.
To find out more about building a network marketing skill-set to launch your business, read more here.
Who Is at the Top of the Network Marketing List?
A 2010 publication of the top network marketing companies shows the staying power of the health and wellness industry. Eight of the top ten companies are listed under health and wellness, selling products from shakes, juices and vitamins, to cosmetics, anti-aging creams, and body soaps. The network marketing list, published by Nexera, required that all companies listed be in business for at least ten years. This shows the staying power of the industry, and the opportunities that will likely arise in the boom of health and wellness in the 2000's. Other industries listed in the top ten include telecom and legal services with two global companies: ACN and Pre-Paid Legal.
Travel is a large industry, as well as entertainment. But entertainment companies haven't shown great lasting power over the past few decades, as video games and social media-based games fall by the wayside with improvements in technology.
What the Network Marketing List Means for You
But what does all of this mean for a network marketer who is preparing to choose an opportunity? Is health and wellness the way to go? Or are other, unsaturated industries a good bet for success in network marketing?
The truth is that choosing a network marketing opportunity isn't nearly as important as what you do once the opportunity begins. A rep's a ability to generate warm leads, pitch to prospects, and effectively lead their team to success are far more important than the opportunity itself. While each rep needs to feel comfortable and confident in their upline and the products they plan to sell, it's important to note that any good network marketer can sell an opportunity in any industry.
Ultimately, it's important to find an opportunity you believe in personally, and then begin learning the tools to success for building your network marketing business.
To find out more about building a network marketing skill-set to launch your business, read more here.