Thirst For Some one's Love
After the tiresome work of the day the warrior was resting in his romm.
He was trying to find some one to love him.
Tired and dejected his mind was running after his well wishers,friends and relatives.
Looking to the nature he could find none except himself in that lonely place.
Being in a lonely place the warrior was trying to find the love of some one.
By that love he might forget his sorrows,worries,anxieties and agonies and get strength to advance.
He was looking to the things around him and developing a tremendous attachment to those in his mind.
Loving all his belongings he was trying to find some one who could constantly love him.
In this world of chaos and conflicts all are busy in their minds.
No one has time to share a word with him.
In the race of life he tried to find some body to love him and help him to overcome the adverse winds.
The world has changed a lot and he tried to cope with the selfish nature of the world.
Looking to the distant horizon he saw his image which was smiling.
By the smiles of love all his sorrows,agonies,anxieties and worries he was forgetting.
The smiles of love were making his mind a beautiful spring.
Looking to the beauty of the spring utmost courage and confidence he was getting.
Envisioning the stream of love in his mind he was taking bath in it.
The more number of times he was bathing in the stream more rejuvenated and refreshed he was becoming.
The water of love were removing all sorrows and agonies from his brain,body and mind.
Drinking the water of the stream he was developing a greater power of understanding.
By the power of his understanding he was coming more closer to the things and beings around him.
He was able to develop a greater knowledge and wisdom and serve his organization,family and society.
By the power of self love he was able to love all and serve them in a better manner.
The love for himself took away all his negatives and filled his mind with all happiness and cheers.
Since his childhood till date he is seeng himself and now he has understood the power of love.
Love has the greatest healing power and he has realized it.
Loving self by self he is removing all his worries and anxieties.
Seeng himself in his mental mirror he is merged in peace and bliss.
While expecting some one's love he discovered self love.
His life was harmonized and all the conflicts were over.
All the personalities in him were perfectly integrated bringing in his mind all cheers.
Peace and happiness dominated his mental kingdom removing all his fears.
By greater coordination of all the personalities he loved himself.
Peace,harmony and bliss were his ornaments and he advanced with courage and confidence.
The power of self love helped him to refine himself and advance by the divine grace.
He felt all powers within by embracing himself with all his might and strength.
He felt absolute silence within him which emerged from self love.
Merging in that silence he always remained peaceful and blissful.
By the power of inner silence he forgot all his worries and anxieties.
He happily performed his duty merging always in serenity and tranquility.
Hankering for love of some one he discovered his true self.
He found himself to be a divine being with all the powers to lift self by self.
Self reliance helped him to achieve all success.
All the conflicts were over by the removal of dependence and seroiusness.
He could well serve his family,society and organization.
Remaining happy and contented he expected in his life many beautiful dawns.
He performed his duty in a beautiful manner with a greater degree of motivation.
Fulfilling his hopes and dreams he led a life of happiness and freedom.