How You Can Avoid Financial Famine
Here is my paraphrase of Genesis 41:33-36.
I think it will help explain, in modern language of today, what your Bible says to you about Joseph and Pharaoh: "Let a man take up a fifth (20%) of his income in the years of plenty.
Let him lay up that fifth part during the good years and let him keep it to work for him.
And that surplus will be for a storehouse against the years when he cannot work; that he perish not through the famine of old age.
" Many people enjoy a happy, financially secure retirement (old age) because, like Joseph, they planned it that way.
You can do the same.
Doing what God wants us to do creates a peace of mind that the earth, the world, with all its joys, cannot give.
God is not a troublemaker; he is a wonderful peace-of-mind-maker who wants you to be a financial success throughout your whole life.
Here is a formula for financial successes that can work for you, but only if you are willing to try it.
All you have to do is obey a few simple rules hat lead to success with your money.
When you follow this 10-70-20 Plan you are assured of financial success because: (1)You will always have money.
(2)You will always be living within your means and; (3)You will always have your debts under your control.
Here is The 10-70-20 Plan: 1.
The first 10% of your net income (after tithe and taxes) is set aside for savings for yourself, never to be spent.
The next 70% of your net income is used to pay your living expenses.
The remaining 20% of your net income is for the payment of debts.
Do you see how this ties in with the Bible's wisdom that you see in Genesis (41:33-36)?If you will follow this plan, you will build an estate for yourself and your loved ones.
You must understand: there is no reason under the sun why you cannot be among the few who obey God's rules that lead to success with money.
In a Sunday school class I teach, I often ask my Christian students this question: "Who is your number one creditor?" (I mean your number one creditor after your tithe, which, of course should come right off the top of your income before anything else).
Some of the answers I get are: "The IRS, or Uncle Sam, or, my credit card company.
" No! Those are all wrong answers!Your number one creditor is you!Don't ever forget it! You might then ask me, in unbelieving confusion: Why do you say that? My answer is this:" You must be your number one creditor so you will never be without money for the rest of your life!"Let me explain.
The indispensable rule for financial success is, to put it simply, establish yourself as your number one creditor.
To put it another way, keep part of each and every dollar you earn - keep it and put it to work for you.
Never spend it.
If you keep part of each dollar you earn, isn't it obvious and logical that you will always have money? On the other hand, if you continue to pay everyone else first, before you pay yourself, you will be a financial failure your whole life - it's a fact! You must reposition yourself from the end of the line of creditors, to the head of the line.
Be first in line.
Pay yourself first.
Read your Bible.
Search out every bit of wisdom you can find there about how to be a better Christian money manager.
You will soon discover more than eight hundred ways to be rich when most of the people in the world around you are experiencing poverty or-- financial famine.
Terry Weber http://www.
com website
I think it will help explain, in modern language of today, what your Bible says to you about Joseph and Pharaoh: "Let a man take up a fifth (20%) of his income in the years of plenty.
Let him lay up that fifth part during the good years and let him keep it to work for him.
And that surplus will be for a storehouse against the years when he cannot work; that he perish not through the famine of old age.
" Many people enjoy a happy, financially secure retirement (old age) because, like Joseph, they planned it that way.
You can do the same.
Doing what God wants us to do creates a peace of mind that the earth, the world, with all its joys, cannot give.
God is not a troublemaker; he is a wonderful peace-of-mind-maker who wants you to be a financial success throughout your whole life.
Here is a formula for financial successes that can work for you, but only if you are willing to try it.
All you have to do is obey a few simple rules hat lead to success with your money.
When you follow this 10-70-20 Plan you are assured of financial success because: (1)You will always have money.
(2)You will always be living within your means and; (3)You will always have your debts under your control.
Here is The 10-70-20 Plan: 1.
The first 10% of your net income (after tithe and taxes) is set aside for savings for yourself, never to be spent.
The next 70% of your net income is used to pay your living expenses.
The remaining 20% of your net income is for the payment of debts.
Do you see how this ties in with the Bible's wisdom that you see in Genesis (41:33-36)?If you will follow this plan, you will build an estate for yourself and your loved ones.
You must understand: there is no reason under the sun why you cannot be among the few who obey God's rules that lead to success with money.
In a Sunday school class I teach, I often ask my Christian students this question: "Who is your number one creditor?" (I mean your number one creditor after your tithe, which, of course should come right off the top of your income before anything else).
Some of the answers I get are: "The IRS, or Uncle Sam, or, my credit card company.
" No! Those are all wrong answers!Your number one creditor is you!Don't ever forget it! You might then ask me, in unbelieving confusion: Why do you say that? My answer is this:" You must be your number one creditor so you will never be without money for the rest of your life!"Let me explain.
The indispensable rule for financial success is, to put it simply, establish yourself as your number one creditor.
To put it another way, keep part of each and every dollar you earn - keep it and put it to work for you.
Never spend it.
If you keep part of each dollar you earn, isn't it obvious and logical that you will always have money? On the other hand, if you continue to pay everyone else first, before you pay yourself, you will be a financial failure your whole life - it's a fact! You must reposition yourself from the end of the line of creditors, to the head of the line.
Be first in line.
Pay yourself first.
Read your Bible.
Search out every bit of wisdom you can find there about how to be a better Christian money manager.
You will soon discover more than eight hundred ways to be rich when most of the people in the world around you are experiencing poverty or-- financial famine.
Terry Weber http://www.
com website