Origin of South Indian Culture – an Overview by a Native Indian
As for languages spoken – all Americans and British – speak English, of course with the slang of nativity specific to the region they live. Therefore if you ask anyone what is the language spoken in America, invariably they will answer as "English".
This is not the case with India. Indian citizens spread over the wide land areas and regions of India, speak multiple languages – Hindi, Bhojpuri, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, Oriyan, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tulu etc. - just to name a few. In spite of these language differences, India has been a country, reckoned as one of prestige and an ancient civilization in the world arena.
Owing to the 300 years of British Rule, India is still keeping English as the National and link language, not only among the people of India, but also other countries of the entire world. This enables the State Governments of South India – Tamilnadu; Kerala, Karnatka, Andhra and the Union Territory of Puduchery – that are not having Hindi as the official language, to interact with other Hindi-speaking North Indian States, including the National Capital New Delhi.
But foreigners are thinking that all Indians speak Hindi since they do not have the inside info. The screening of only Hindi films mostly across the world countries of America, Russia, U.K. and Europe contribute to this notion generously.
Thus the variety of languages spoken in India differentiates the cultures to a certain extent, prevalent in the said region. For example, among the masses of North Indian population of Bihar, or Madhya Pradesh, entering a temple for worship, without taking bath is not a matter at all, whereas a Keralite or Tamilian will forbid it as a sin. Thus you can see diverse cultures region-wise, broadly separated as North India and South India, where a total of 1,139,964,932 Indian population lives together.
Taking for review the South Indian culture, it is preserving the traditions left as a legacy from generations, dating back to thousands of years. Indian civilization history starts hundreds of thousands years old from the Sind Plateau, on the banks of River Ganges. While North India was invaded and captured by foreigners, including Alexander the Great, and then by the Moguls centuries back, South India escaped the wrath of foreign invasions comparatively.
Ancient South India – particularly Tamilnadu, which consisted the present Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra States within its embrace earlier, was ruled by Kings and Emperors of Hindu Religious faith. Hence there is a distinct Hindu religion-based culture most prevalent in all South Indian States.
Habits and life-styles as also literature of the region's language form the basics of any culture. An example can be cited here that the British Culture is born out of social norms prescribed by English Literature, especially Shakespearean works of art. Likewise, South Indian culture is refined by the rule of Hindu Kings for centuries and the literary works like Thirukkural, Silapathikaram etc. in Tamil language, dating back to 2000 years from now. People revere these literary works in adopting the vices and social behavior embodied in them for day-to-day life. The derivatives of age-old Tamil like Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam languages have great literary works adored by the respective people and followed in their cultures ardently.
True the impact of 300 years of British Rule, which starts from the era of Robert Clive landing in Madras Port (presently Chennai) to form the East India Company of Great Britain and extending it all over India, has its adverse and also appreciable effects in South Indian culture. But the traditional South Indian culture, preserved over generations, certainly still holds well on a majority South Indians.
We will see more on this subject later.