Pressure Mounted Gates - They May Just Help to Save Your Sanity
How can pressure mounted gates help to keep you from going crazy all day long? If you have a child that is between 1 and 4 years old, using a gate to keep them confined to one area of the house can make a really big difference in the amount of stress you may have to go through everyday and believe me I know what I am talking about.
Whether you have one child, six children (which is how many I have) or 10 children, at some point they will begin to start to move and once they do, it's look out world here I come.
They will be in one spot one second and somewhere else the second you simply blink your eyes.
Of my six children, I have three that happened to be only 14 and 20 months apart.
These happened to be my youngest three and while I did have at least one pressure mounted gate the fact is that I really should have had three of them simply because I had stairs going up, stairs going down, and the entrance to my kitchen, which I should have had pressure mounted gates placed at all three of these locations.
Still, being a young mother and nearly out of my mind most of the time, it never occurred to me to go out and invest in one or two more just for the sake of my own sanity but even more importantly for the safety of my young children.
My son was constantly able to get into things that he should not have and it only made things that much harder for me.
I can't say how many times I would go to do laundry downstairs and come back up to a complete disaster..
I was using powdered formula at the time whenever they needed extra feedings or just when I was unable to nurse them.
Not being cheap to buy, it was quite and inconvenience when I would find the powder covering my kitchen counters and floor because he just thought it was really cool to throw it all over the place.
I did later figure out that I could use the cabinet latches and that also helped.
Anyway, I am here to tell you that it is much easier to keep your babies confined to one safe area of your house whether you are busy doing other chores or you are in the same room with them.
Their safety and your sanity could well depend on this on simple thing, put up a pressure mounted gate.
So my point is that for the sake of your sanity and the safety of your beautiful little baby or babies, figure out how many pressure mounted gates you really need and make the investment in your self and your child.
You really will be glad you did.
I do want to be perfectly clear that while a pressure mounted gate can be used at the top of a stairway, I never would recommend that as I believe it it not safe for the reason that they can become loose and become a danger to your precious child causing them to take a tumble along with the gate going down the stairs.
Consider a permanently mounted gate for the top of your stairs while your babies are young and until you teach them to go down the stairs safely.
Whether you have one child, six children (which is how many I have) or 10 children, at some point they will begin to start to move and once they do, it's look out world here I come.
They will be in one spot one second and somewhere else the second you simply blink your eyes.
Of my six children, I have three that happened to be only 14 and 20 months apart.
These happened to be my youngest three and while I did have at least one pressure mounted gate the fact is that I really should have had three of them simply because I had stairs going up, stairs going down, and the entrance to my kitchen, which I should have had pressure mounted gates placed at all three of these locations.
Still, being a young mother and nearly out of my mind most of the time, it never occurred to me to go out and invest in one or two more just for the sake of my own sanity but even more importantly for the safety of my young children.
My son was constantly able to get into things that he should not have and it only made things that much harder for me.
I can't say how many times I would go to do laundry downstairs and come back up to a complete disaster..
I was using powdered formula at the time whenever they needed extra feedings or just when I was unable to nurse them.
Not being cheap to buy, it was quite and inconvenience when I would find the powder covering my kitchen counters and floor because he just thought it was really cool to throw it all over the place.
I did later figure out that I could use the cabinet latches and that also helped.
Anyway, I am here to tell you that it is much easier to keep your babies confined to one safe area of your house whether you are busy doing other chores or you are in the same room with them.
Their safety and your sanity could well depend on this on simple thing, put up a pressure mounted gate.
So my point is that for the sake of your sanity and the safety of your beautiful little baby or babies, figure out how many pressure mounted gates you really need and make the investment in your self and your child.
You really will be glad you did.
I do want to be perfectly clear that while a pressure mounted gate can be used at the top of a stairway, I never would recommend that as I believe it it not safe for the reason that they can become loose and become a danger to your precious child causing them to take a tumble along with the gate going down the stairs.
Consider a permanently mounted gate for the top of your stairs while your babies are young and until you teach them to go down the stairs safely.