5 Tips For Writing a Strong Conclusion For Your Book
But do you know the third thing that a reader reads from your book? It's the conclusion.
If you don't have a strong conclusion for your book, your reader will stop reading just as they will if you don't have a title or introduction that appeals to them.
Here are 5 tips to writing a strong conclusion for your book.
Tell them what was said.
Have you heard the saying "You need to tell them what you are going to tell them.
Then tell them.
Then tell them what you told them.
" It's true.
People need to hear the message at least three times before they'll listen.
In fact, cognitive theory says that you need to hear the message four times before you pay attention and five times before you listen closely.
Restate how your book will solve their problem.
Just restating what was said in the book won't really create a strong conclusion -- just a better than average one.
You need to go beyond.
Don't just state what was said; tell them how it will solve their problems.
Tell them what you want them to do next.
In copywriting this is called "Creating a call to action".
What should they do next? Obviously implement the solution in your book, but how.
What specifically should they do as soon as they put the book down? Try rewriting your last conclusion.
Try writing your conclusion five times -- each time adding one more of these tips.
Get the idea? 4.
Tell them why it's important to take action.
Answer the question of "Why did I just spend days reading your book?" Answer the question, "Why should I do anything?" and "Why should I take action?" Focus on them and solving their problems.
Appeal to their emotions.
About half the people actually make decisions based on their emotions not their intellect.
Which is one of the problems with motivating based on intellect.
So don't rely on their intellect to focus them on getting moving.
Engage their emotions.
Be emotional yourself.
Why are you passionate about this subject? What appeals to you about it? Throughout school we are trained not to display our passion in our writing.
We're taught to write formally and academically.
We're taught wrong! You wrote this book for a reason -- money is just part of it.
So show people that you care.
Show people that you are passionate about the subject.
Let a little of the emotion show.