Tips For Using Document Proofreading and Editing Services
For example, a teacher might tell a student to always proofread documents before turning them in, or a potential employer might throw out an applicant's resume and cover letter for mistakes in the documents due to not proofreading them.
However, the two terms are actually different.
A proofreader is helpful in the final stages of writing, such as finding minor typos and misspelled words, or seeing that the document is not formatted consistently.
An editor, on the other hand, is extremely helpful for the stage of writing preceding that final stage, where the writer has all of the information down on paper (or in an electronic document these days), but the document could still use the benefits gained through editing, such as improving the content and clarity of the paper as well as fixing any errors.
This is where freelance editors come in.
A fresh pair of eyes and an objective mind are extremely helpful.
Your editor can make many suggestions for improving your document and can also correct any mistakes you may have overlooked during the writing process.
After all, you're probably not writing your paper, thesis, dissertation, resume, cover letter, or other document to keep to yourself but to share with others, so it is important to get another person's viewpoint and also to have that person find any mistakes that are obvious to others but not to you.
There are a variety of editing services available for writers, and the costs vary from one editor or company to another.
One thing to find out before submitting your document for editing is how many words the editing provider considers to be a page.
For example, some consider 250 words to be 1 page, while others may use 275 or 300 words per page.
In a longer document, this can dramatically add to the cost of editing.
Another factor is what types of payment the editor or company accepts, and whether the company has a reputable background.
One way to check the reputation of a company is to check with the Better Business Bureau or to check the company website to find out if the company is a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business.
The use of a free sample edit is also a great way to find out who can best edit your important document, and you want to know the exact deadline for having your document returned to you.