Solar Energy - An Eco-Friendly Power Source
This is accomplished by converting the sun's rays into electrical power by using solar cells.
You will find three basic approaches how we are able to make use of this type of green energy source namely passive, active and by using solar cells.
Whenever we make reference to passive solar power, there is nothing converted.
What happens is the building's design helps prevent heat reduction as well as gets the most from day lighting.
This type of method may also be utilized in homes because research has shown this can reduce the heating needs by as much as 80 percent along with minimal cost.
This implies it's not necessary to turn on the air condition or heater that often of course, if everyone does that, we do not consume that much electrical power which we obtain from non-renewable resources.
The second approach that is active solar power is the first method of converting sunshine into heat.
You need to know that there are certain limits to this one and all it can do is make sure you have hot water.
The third approach is the large scale version and it can power a workplace or a whole house.
This is accomplished with the help of solar cells that change sunshine into electrical power.
The smallest types around are visible in calculators and watches with big types planted over large acres of land.
The only real limitation to this eco-friendly energy source is the fact that it may only produce energy when the weather is good and the sun is out.
Should it rain, then there is nothing collected or transformed.
When this occurs, the auxiliary system is switched on until the weather improves.
Even though, scientists and students themselves have made solar driven vehicles.
NASA or the National Aeronautical Space Administration has sent satellites into space that are driven by solar power panels.
A completely functional airport can function on its own thanks to solar energy even if it's located in the middle of a frozen desert.
Therefore people can see the amazing power of solar energy, are you aware a kilowatt of solar power can produce 5.
5 hours of electricity daily.
If you have more solar cells in position, normally it is possible to produce sufficient energy to last several days.
Solar power is just one type of eco-friendly energy source around.
Through the years, we now have discovered how to tap additional resources and these examples include
- geothermal energy
- wind power,
- biogas and
- hydroelectricity.
To make this happen, we must persuade our law makers to market the usage of such resources.
Even though you hear speeches nearly everywhere regarding their concern for the environment, it's all talk and not really very much action.
It's something that needs to change.