Stock Portfolio Management Tools
- Stock portfolio management tools are available free from websites, or as subscriptions with large firms.stock market analysis screenshot image by .shock from
Several stock portfolio management tools exist that are Internet-based. The main choice a potential investor must make is to use a free service such as Morningstar or use a pay-based subscription such as Charles Schwab. Either choice provides the potential investor with stock portfolio investment tools. However, pay services such as Charles Schwab include access to additional tools and data such as stock screens to help in investment decisions. - Charles Schwab offers comprehensive stock portfolio management tools. Schwab offers more coverage of stock than any other major firm. Some of the portfolio management tools offered are the use of reports by market analysts, third-party stock resources such as reports and analysis from Standard & Poor's and Argus, online and off-line seminars, news feeds and podcasts of up-to-date market information, and a flat trading fee of $8.95 for stock trades. However, to access the suite of stock portfolio management tools the potential investor has to open an account with Charles Schwab.
Charles Schwab
1211 Avenue of the Americas, Ground Floor
New York City, NY
866-232-9890 - Morningstar offers two forms of stock portfolio management tools: premium fee services and a free basic membership. However, Morningstar website registration is required of all investors regardless of the type of membership. Morningstar's website provides multiple investment tools. The free features available to investors are an article database for stock research, a video database of investment advice and lectures, stock market monitoring and tracking; forums for asking questions and communicating with other investors and a real-time chat room for investment advice and tips. Furthermore, free membership includes fund financial data on more than 13,000 stocks. Morningstar provides a free investment classroom that allows investors to participate in online classes and seminars.
Morningstar Inc.
Investor Relations
22 West Washington St.
Chicago, IL
312-384-4000 - Mint is a discount broker that offers free online stock portfolio management tools and requires investors to register on its website. Mint's investment tools allow the potential investor portfolio management options for all types of accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs and mutual funds. Mint provides mobile applications tools that allow the potential investor to get updates to a phone or other portable device so the investor is abreast of every change affecting his account. Another investment tool Mint offers is a side-by-side comparison to other investor portfolios so the investor can measure her investments and change or modify the portfolio as needed.
280 Hope Street
Mountain View, CA 94041