WOTLK Elemental Shaman Talent Build - WoW Shaman Talent Tree Build For WOTLK
The elemental shaman is the DPS caster branch of the shaman talent tree.
Players who are interested in doing damage in PvP with their shamans will usually go with an Elemental Shaman.
The elemental build is also a popular choice with many "hybrid" players, because it offers a nice equipment synergy with the talents in the Restoration tree, for instance some elemental shamans may consider giving up Totem of Wrath in order to get Nature's Swiftness from the Restoration tree.
When playing as an elemental shaman there are a few crucial talents that you must have maxed out as well as a couple of additional ones that will depend on your play style.
These essential elemental shaman talents are: oConvection, this talent will reduce the mana cost to your Shock, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells by up to ten percent when maxed out.
oConcussion, this talent will increase the damage of your Shock, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells by five percent once maxed out.
oElemental Focus, this talent will activate a clearcasting period after critting with any Fire, Frost or Nature damage spell, the clearcasting period means that your mana cost will be reduced for the next two damage spells by forty percent each.
oCall of Thunder, this talent will increase the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Thunderstorm spells by five percent.
oElemental Fury, this talent will increases your critical strike damage bonus of your Searing, Magma, and Fire Nova Totems and your Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by a hundred percent once maxed out.
It will also make your offensive spells do two hundred percent damage when they crit instead of the normal hundred and fifty.
Players who are interested in doing damage in PvP with their shamans will usually go with an Elemental Shaman.
The elemental build is also a popular choice with many "hybrid" players, because it offers a nice equipment synergy with the talents in the Restoration tree, for instance some elemental shamans may consider giving up Totem of Wrath in order to get Nature's Swiftness from the Restoration tree.
When playing as an elemental shaman there are a few crucial talents that you must have maxed out as well as a couple of additional ones that will depend on your play style.
These essential elemental shaman talents are: oConvection, this talent will reduce the mana cost to your Shock, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells by up to ten percent when maxed out.
oConcussion, this talent will increase the damage of your Shock, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells by five percent once maxed out.
oElemental Focus, this talent will activate a clearcasting period after critting with any Fire, Frost or Nature damage spell, the clearcasting period means that your mana cost will be reduced for the next two damage spells by forty percent each.
oCall of Thunder, this talent will increase the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Thunderstorm spells by five percent.
oElemental Fury, this talent will increases your critical strike damage bonus of your Searing, Magma, and Fire Nova Totems and your Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by a hundred percent once maxed out.
It will also make your offensive spells do two hundred percent damage when they crit instead of the normal hundred and fifty.