Behavorial Issues
- Dealing with children's behavioral issues can be alternately frustrating and rewarding.parenting image by Natalia Bratslavsky from
Behavioral issues in children and adults vary widely in how extreme they are, as well as how often they are expressed. Dealing with a child with behavioral issues can be extremely challenging and frustrating as everyone reacts differently in various situations. Since every behavior issue someone may be experiencing varies from each person, it's best to treat each situation on a case by case basis. - Children with behavioral issues can be physically aggressive toward others. If your child is hitting, kicking, biting, or slapping others around him, this is a sign of a behavioral issue. Your child can seem aggressive or hostile toward other children or even adults, which can lead to physical harm and conflict, for them or those they abuse. If your child is suffering from anxiety, anger, or hostility issues, these signs must be addressed to avoid the risk of physical harm and any increasing inability to interact socially in an appropriate way.
- If your child is often caught lying at school, to friends or to your family, they can be attempting to manipulate others. Children with behavioral issues also start arguments and throw persistent temper tantrums when attempting to sway an opinion or get something they want. Children who are being manipulative also attempt to turn the tables on a parent or friend who is refusing to submit to them by putting the blame on the other person or someone else, rather than themselves.
- If your child is getting in trouble at school, stealing, or engaging in other dangerous activity, this is a sign of a behavioral issue. Other risky behavior includes drinking or indulging in illegal activities such as drugs or gambling. Avoiding and ignoring family curfews set in place is another sign of a behavioral issue. Free resource websites are available for coping and dealing with behavioral issues with children.
Physical Threats
Manipulating Others
Risky Behavior