Newbie Article Writers - 4 Astounding Secrets for Writing an Effective Article
Most of them disappear after a few tries because they don't have the training or insight on how to create successful articles.
If you truly want to become an article writer then you should pay close attention to the following 4 secrets to help you learn the correct way to write an article.
Here are the 4 secret steps for writing an effective article: 1) Write at least 400 words.
Most Article Directories today require a minimum of 400 words in order for your articles to be accepted.
Your article should have a title, an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
Generally, your introduction should be about 100-150 words, your body of the article should contain about 250 - 300 words and your conclusion should be about 50 - 100 words.
None of these numbers are carved in stone except you must have at least the minimum of 400 words for your entire article.
2) The title should contain a main keyword.
Keywords in an article aren't as important as many people say they are but that's a discussion I'll save for another article.
However, you should always try to place your main keyword as the first word of your article title or at least somewhere in the title.
This is for a number of reasons.
It is the first thing that a reader sees and it is also the first thing that a search engine bot sees when it is crawling your article.
This will help your rankings in the search engines.
3) The body should have bullets or numbers.
If you have more than one point to make with your information, then you should present it in bulleted or numbered paragraphs.
This makes it much easier to see and the reader will then know that you have much to say about your topics.
Each paragraph should refer to your title or the reader will feel like you're just adding filler and no real information.
Or worse yet, the reader might think that you really don't know what you're talking about and won't read any more of your articles in the future - there goes a potential buyer of your products! 4) Proofread your work before it's sent to the publisher.
Most computers have spell checkers so that you can check your work and make sure that there are no misspellings contained in it.
Today Article Directories also have spell checkers and could reject your article because of a misspelling or, perhaps, bad grammar.
This means time wasted in fixing your article and not getting it published early.
Bottom Line: Proofread your work before submission.