A Simple Concept to Help You Make Money Online
Think about how people make money offline with products.
It seems that no matter what type of product there is, there is always another similar product on the market making just as much money if not more than the original.
It happens everywhere; Coke and Pepsi, UPS and FedEx, Duracell and Energizer, IBM and Apple.
Competition in this world is normal.
Without a competitive market place corporations like the ones I mentioned above would hold a monopoly on us and the prices would be outrageous.
If you know of a company online that is selling a product successfully, it may be wise to create a likewise product and see if you can't compete with the original.
This is an interesting concept and people use it all of the time.
It's sort of like recycling a successful product and making a better unique version of your own to compete with the original.
All you have to do is find a product that is making a ton of money and redo it to make it your own.
Of course it sounds a lot more simple than it actually is but the internet is young enough to still piggy back off of peoples products to create some profitable competition.
People welcome change and will pay money if you can make an already successful product better.
This concept works because you are not stealing the product, the product you make would be similar but different in many ways and hopefully better than the original.
This business model is already being used by the big time internet gurus and they are making a killing doing it.
Many times they just take the same product and repackage it as their own.
There is a new generation of people taking aim at the internet to find information every single day.
If you can take a successful information product, rewrite it and make it appealing to these people, you got yourself a potential seller.
It really doesn't get much easier than that and that is how the internet works.
If you don't believe me go ahead and take a look for yourself.
You'll find many of the same products all with different faces and all of them are probably making money.
That's why they are being recycled as unique, because they sell! Do yourself a favor and find an information product that you think you can turn around and sell, then take the proper steps to put your product on the market.
Once you see that it works, you can then rinse and repeat the entire process again, and again, and again.