Article Marketing Secrets To Getting Top 10 Rankings In Google!
In fact, writing and submitting articles to various website directories can boost your search engine rankings within a few short weeks.
Anyone can start applying the steps you are going to discover in this article.
It doesn't matter if you are a large company with a huge advertising budget or if you operate your web business from your bedroom.
Follow these steps and you will get top 10 rankings in Google.
It works for me every single time.
In fact, this is the starting point of my Internet marketing profit method.
Is it easy? It depends on your level of expertise.
If you are a brand new beginner, you may need to do your homework before you can start to improve your search engine rankings with article marketing, but if you are an intermediate marketer, you can start applying this method to your business right away.
It doesn't matter which keyword you are targeting, this is proven to work because your competition is not aware about this step by step article marketing and seo plan.
Step 1.
Write 10 original articles and post them on your website.
Step 2.
Write 10 new and original articles and submit them to these websites: a.
com b.
com c.
com Step 3.
Write 10 new articles and submit them to these web 20 sites: a.
com b.
com Step 4.
Add a blog on a subdomain of your website and start adding articles at least twice a week (once a day is better, and if you really want to get a lot of traffic, hire posters to post three times a day) Step 5.
Write more original articles and post them to your site.
Step 6.
Participate various forums in your niche.
Now, pay careful attention because this is important.
Whenever you submit articles to your blog, article sites or web 20 sites, be sure to add a link pointing back to your site in the bio box.